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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. the thread actually begins in my previous posting...
  2. we evolved out of chaos. it will work itself out, 1984 be damned.
  3. lol https://twitter.com/JohnBrennan/status/1177917399254872064
  4. https://twitter.com/IvanPentchoukov/status/1177720140303089665
  5. https://twitter.com/InsurancePlanX/status/1177740911058358272
  6. https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1177765294040866816 the articles will be drafted over these next two weeks.
  7. can you say, Lawfare? long thread well worth the read as to what the corrupt Donners have been up to. https://twitter.com/TheLastRefuge2/status/1177758757612339200
  8. an alternative of the first amendment is the only alternative.
  9. what is the alternative? returning to living under a mushroom and being fed bull####?
  10. when the AG declined to seek charges against Comey in anyway with the Comey Report, i felt betrayed. i mean, here is a leader of one of the supposes hallowed institutions of this great country and he breaks the law by leaking material that is/was classified information. and, from all appearances, did so to expedite the current ongoing soft coup against the duly elected President of the United States that facilitated a circuitous validation loop. if that is not a high crime, i don't know what is. granted and i understand that they may have done so to seek greater charges, but just going by past experiences, that there is the possibility of the old boys network just sweeping it all under the rug should not be surprising at all because it has happened more than once in the past. this possibility is what has what has caused me to become disillusioned and somewhat mad at myself for allowing myself to be tricked by the dog and pony show that, somehow, this time, things were going to be different. hope that the rule of law would be restored. stepping back and looking at what the rule of law has become, not only for the elite but the average man and it's bending meaning of it everyday and what that means for the average man... it is readily apparent, to me, that we are *****. having said that, i am ever the eternal optimist. so as i get over being let down, my hope is renewing that i am wrong and that justice for the common man will prevail and that equal justice will again rule the land. whereby making it possible to root out the evil corruption that has infested the great halls of this sacred country. if it doesn't, we don't deserve to have this country and we deserve everything we have coming for we will no better than what has existed throughout known history. the 12th can't get here fast enough for me.
  11. long thread. as always, use your discernment and take what works for you. https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1177678378561933313
  12. @John Adams, a Time Magazine article for you. Ukraine Saw 'No Connection' Between U.S. Aid and Trump Request on Biden, Official Says
  13. more truth for @Crayola64 and @John Adams https://twitter.com/15poundstogo/status/1177532477985972225
  14. @John Adams says the dishonest ***** with more screen names then you can shake a stick at.
  15. lets see.... Joe's done Bernie never was Fauxcahontas, well....... https://twitter.com/schwartzbCNBC/status/1177262354993733632 it's now Buttigieg or Bobnknob
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