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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. that is not a swastika, it is a sauwastika. swastikas are the reverse of that image, right facing. musta been a dumb redneck.
  2. you don't believe that toilet seats cost $756 do you?
  3. hey, thanks for the response. i wasn't referring solely to your thread being deleted but that it was, gave the impetus for this thread. there have been threads that contained a lot of good information that, because perhaps it didn't pan out the way the OP wanted, they deleted it. when you lose the posterity contained in those threads, it just seems like a major waste. not only for that posterity but also because of all the time that gets invested by those who contribute to them. in some way, it says, 'yeah sorry about all the time and energy you invested but....'. i'm not a big fan of throwing away peeps investments, regardless of what they may be. i understand that sometimes it is warranted and necessary but the validity of those occurrences, to me, is or should be very few and far between. i am sorry you feel/felt that you had to delete it. as someone else up thread expressed, i believe it was a good topic. if i contributed to it going in a different direction from the one you wanted, i apologize. however, i think it very rare that a thread stays in a single lane. they more often than not, take on a life of their own because certain tangents just beg to be taken and most good discussions include relevant tangential meanders. i understand that OTW is not really the place for serious discussions. serious discussions can sometimes be hard because they can be complicated and include perspectives that might make some cringe. but if a serious discussion is to be had in earnest, it should include those perspectives that are uncomfortable, it should cause critical thinking. more people should try it (thinking critically) and perhaps we wouldn't have half the problems that plague society today. again, my post wasn't really directed at you, per sey. i hope you did not take any offense. i tried to put levity into it. i don't know that there were many PPP'ers in it. PPP is not the bastion y'all like to paint it as, it just requires a bit of honesty.
  4. really? why did he have to hear it from second and third hand sources then? maybe he can't read and/or is deaf?
  5. why do peeps delete threads? i mean just because they don't go the way they want them to, does that give them the right to just delete everyone's musings? what is the psychological makeup of someone who would do such a egregious thing? should they be beaten? flogged? 20 lashes with a wet noodle? asking for a friend....
  6. i agree. the Brady we saw today is a shell of his former self. i don't think i can ever remember him throwing so many passes away. the retirement clock is ticking louder and louder. the Bills may have presented the blueprint for the rest of the NFL today.
  7. i actually think had Allen finished the game, we would have won.
  8. should we hand out participation trophies as well?
  9. i support and believe whistleblowers (and their protection) are necessary in any hierarchical environment. however, whether or not this 'person' is an actual whistleblower is debatable. the only reason he is considered such is due to recent guideline changes.
  10. https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1178095804340408322
  11. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1178292122115608576 https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1178290531031490560
  12. an interesting thread with some parallels to today and some history that you might be unaware of. https://twitter.com/stranahan/status/1177997032981749767
  13. what you seem to be glossing over here is that this complaint is most definitely hearsay, in that it is derived from the words of another as to what supposedly happened. you can term it not legal hearsay but by any other name, it is hearsay and that is all anyone is saying. stop being so ***** disingenuous. further, snitches never are the ones who are held up to the light in the public eye to extol the virtues of someones wrong doing. the information given is used as a lead to find out if there is any there there. that the Dems had to rewrite the guidelines to be able to include hearsay is just as dubiousness to the utmost. the Donners are going to destroy themselves and are well on their way.
  14. unless he was a journalist or they can figure an #orangemanbad angle to it, i doubt you will hear the prostitutes complaining much.
  15. in addition to the Whistleblower laws being rewritten, i am hearing whispers that they have done the same thing with the FEC bylaws. Weintraub has rewritten the, 'Interpretive Rule Concerning Prohibited Activities Involving Foreign Nationals'. essentially, 'things of value' which are to include, 'information'. very vaguely written, without any precedent. look for this to become a thing in the days to come. these ***** are such a joke. Interpretive Rule Concerning Prohibited Activities Involving Foreign Nationals @EllenLWeintraub
  16. if it's heard in the third chair....does it become illegal heresy?
  17. https://twitter.com/EpochTimes/status/1178046724230782976
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66pE67m_Hf4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28YQowZ0cvI
  19. just more lib lunacy. https://twitter.com/nycgov/status/1177310896344969217
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