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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/USGSted/status/1275455692342587395
  2. you must live under a rock.
  3. https://twitter.com/TheSharpEdge1/status/1275091034968477696
  4. https://twitter.com/EngageRight/status/1275246347231334401
  5. the globalists have been at it for a long time and their plans are being threatened. this is why you are seeing what you are seeing today. https://twitter.com/DerorCurrency/status/1105782175318720513
  6. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1274821909214048257
  7. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1275068539947245575
  8. https://twitter.com/BernardKerik/status/1275276637333008385
  9. is it time for a BHAZ thread? https://twitter.com/ShelbyTalcott/status/1275230909416050688
  10. lol. never change, tibs... never change.
  11. https://twitter.com/RedPill78/status/1275249226683953153
  12. so... has the Kung Flu spiked now that we are down the road quite a few days from the riots?
  13. kind of odd here... they replaced the interview with an image of Trump and 2:53 of piano. as such, the second clip doesn't even attempt to play. try these if you haven't seen the interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOJ7faIaeRI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FztiTg5tYZI or here @ Praying Medic's Bitchute channel. https://www.bitchute.com/video/8XVI3D9vRsMJ/
  14. nothing tibs. nothing for you here... it's just a conspiracy theory, move along.
  15. something to think about. https://twitter.com/Tore_says/status/1274603943914541056
  16. are you libs happy now? you are getting what you so desire. https://twitter.com/NYPDDetectives/status/1274447910814593024 https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1274578579137806336
  17. can't be sure but.. you know... in case they get 'rowdy' and get arrested...
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ still can't meme.
  19. lol. if this rally was a failure, in the time of as pandemic, what would you then have to call a Biden rally? pathetic? you libs are so predictable.
  20. thanks. i just didn't want to have the appearance of being disingenuous. it was an honest mistake. besides, even though i probably disagree with 95% of her thoughts/beliefs, i owed the clarification to muppy most of all.
  21. just for clarification purposes and to prove i'm an idiot. after looking to see what was said in the PM, it wasn't from muppy, it was entitled, "muppy". my apologies for any confusion created on my behalf.
  22. lol. why did you just PM me? you're too much. you are the despicable level that you hold Trump and his supporters. we're all deplorable, amiright?
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