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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i'll grant that it may not be ideal but... at some point the graft has to be cleared out. i understand that you believe Trump insults your senses and that that is a main reason for the position that is ubiquitous to all of your posts with regard. however, what insults my senses is the rampant corruption that appears to permeate every single square inch of DC. Trump is not doing this to benefit himself, he doesn't need it in any way, shape or form. every once in awhile the right man comes along at the right time. who knew that one single man could set the world atilt. let the man drain the swamp.
  2. so... no. he is doing his job, you dolt. he is wanting to find out about potential past criminal acts. he is not asking them to look into anything Biden is currently doing that is untoward.
  3. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1179848498214129664
  4. so...... is this more ammunition for impeachment? https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/1179770264982302720
  5. i understand that you're trying an old play from the book by repeating a lie often enough that you hope it will become the truth but honestly, i don't see it happening. texts reveal ‘quid pro quo’ dispute ... "As I said on the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign," Taylor said in a text exchange. Sondland responded by saying that was not what was happening. "Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump's intentions. The President has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo's of any kind. The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensky promised during his campaign." ... one is a newly hired temp (Taylor) who has absolutely no context other than perhaps his political bias. the other is a seasoned vet (Sondland) who has been around long enough to know what is what with regard here. it is quite evident that you belong in the former category. you might want to sit this one out as you are going to find that, much like your other ill-fated opines, you are going to be on the wrong end of it all. who knows more, the seasoned ambassador who has been at this for awhile, or you, the wannabe keyboard warrior?
  6. i don't know how anyone can stand the sight of her, let alone, listen to her. everytime i break down and listen, my eyes immediately begin to bleed and i want to shove pencils in my ears to make the angst go away.
  7. https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1179834818424643586
  8. good thread. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1179784549074706432
  9. https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1179759561500028929
  10. well, this goes back a bit further than three years. https://twitter.com/STUinSD/status/1179769071052742658
  11. but... but.... he is extorting them with tariffs. he knew three years ago that this was going to be a quid pro quo.
  12. yeah... my money would be that it's a Clinton/Warren ticket. no surprise HRC has emerged from her hole.
  13. nah, no obsession here. what's truly bizarre is the need to hold multiple sock puppet accounts so you can... have discussions with yourself, dupe others into believing there is support for your bizarre positions, to attack from multiple vectors... i could go on but your not really worth it.
  14. my, your are being especially dense and obtuse this morning.
  15. ummm... my thread and i'm the stalker? how many sock puppets have you harassed peeps with???
  16. i could be wrong but i'm thinking this should apply to impeachment proceedings as well. https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1179526035664191488
  17. not sure but.. we could probably say the same about your posts and the multiple sock puppet identities you possess. you might want to see someone about that...
  18. if there is a position Trans takes, you would be wise to be on the other side of that equation. been this way for years. his football acumen is demonstrably flawed as evidenced by his rabid support of the failed QB's throughout the recent past. i have a bet with him on the football side and hope that when he loses, he will honor his bet. namely, no predictions of any sort. because i felt the bet to be so bad for him, i only limited it to a one year period. however, i am hoping that maybe in that year, he will come to see that his perspective on 'things' is often off and will cause him to take a step back and reassess what he believes. my side of the bet? if i lose... are you ready for this.... i can't be mean to him anymore. what he doesn't understand though, is that tough love can often be the most needed love. though he can be a douche, i trust that he will honor my bet as well as the bet he has with you and Gunner. only a couple months for the outcome of our bet to be settled.
  19. you can probably get that wrapped in a plain brown paper and shipped directly to your house to avoid that kind of embarrassment.
  20. it shouldn't be too hard to understand the reasons for the hypocrisy. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1179188498575659008
  21. https://twitter.com/JohnWHuber/status/1179182303530164225 ************************************************ today https://twitter.com/ShimonPro/status/1179158728031035392 https://twitter.com/GeoffRBennett/status/1179173387924578309 https://twitter.com/superlorna69/status/1179177489861681152
  22. would having your head stuck in your ass be considered being in a deep state? looking for someone who can speak from experience....
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