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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1182062296446619648
  2. damn right it's different than gender equality. freakin' morons.
  3. right, i didn't actually think it was disproved. we all know how the dishonest pukes operate, just wanted to sure i wasn't missing something. thanks
  4. all i keep hearing from the Biden camp is that the Ukraine situation is a debunked conspiracy theory. yet, perhaps i just missed it, but what about it has been disproved and what is the narrative around the the basis for it being disproved? and, who has debunked it?
  5. life - 5% what happens to you and 95% how you react to those things.
  6. thanks. there was a reply to my statement that i wanted to respond to about how Tre has it tougher because he gets all the other teams top wideouts but got busy and didn't have the time to chase it down. that comment just is not true. Tre always lines up on the same side of the field. he other teams top wideout does not. Levi gets his fair share of play against the other teams top wideouts too. i don't think Tre is bad but i think Levi is a blanket out there. he picked right up where he left off last year and has been playing phenomenal this year. also... i love the way Neal is rounding into form. it appears that he is a bit streaky in his play but when he is hittin' it, he too is doing well. there have been times where he has just knocked to snot out of the opposing teams player like 3/4 plays in a row..
  7. obviously, good deeds have their own rewards. self employment isn't for everyone. it can be a lot of extra work but it can be very rewarding for those who are good at it. you have to wear many hats. you can be the secretary, janitor, worker bee, estimator, bookkeeper and HR all rolled into one. myself, i have been self employed since '92. being i am very good at what i do, i have been very blessed. with my profession though, construction is a young mans game. having worked quite hard my entire adult life, i think i am ready to kick it back a bit. i enjoy what i do so i am not going to retire just yet but having to wear less hats would be welcome. after this coming year, i will probably look to go to work for someone else. it will be nice at the end of the day to leave the job there and not take it home with me. but... who am i kidding, i am so ingrained in my ways that i will probably still do the work in my sleep. ah well. to bring it back around to the thread topic... yeah, we were fired from Burger King back in the day... it was on purpose though, we didn't care. there were some shenanigans going on that weren't right.
  8. being a contractor, i can honestly say we hate guys like this. best of luck in getting it straightened out in your favor. i just hope that your kitchen remodel is structurally sound and done according to generally accepted construction norms.
  9. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1181757119286140929
  10. https://twitter.com/40_head/status/1181844220656533505
  11. no there, there. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1181901201383788547
  12. https://twitter.com/AKA_RealDirty/status/1181947195546898434
  13. https://twitter.com/LVNancy/status/1181926807278247937
  14. okay... so if/when the House takes a floor vote (and it passes, which is highly doubtful, which is why Nancy won't do it), they will then be required to conduct a formal proceeding and if Articles of Impeachment are passed (which they won't be by a formal process), then yes, the Senate will have a trial.
  15. but... we knew this, right? CIA just declassified the Document That Justified the Iraq Invasion; The Bush White House Looks Very Very Very Bad
  16. i genuinely believe you don't genuinely believe her.
  17. pretty salacious article. Trudeau is rumored to be in talks with an accusor to suppress an explosive sex scandal
  18. that is what the main stream propagandists and their overlords would have you believe. dig deeper.
  19. just for the record... no one has ever gone 19 -0.
  20. like it or not, Russia belongs in the G-8 due to their influence and their GDP. to exclude them is foolish beyond measure.
  21. and Hill will sell her soul for cash, to anyone, for anything.
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