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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/KamVTV/status/1182870202117021697
  2. is that what we're calling ***** nowadays? sorry, this line just struck me as funny as hell...
  3. https://twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1182746014018523137 someone tell Schifty, i'm sure he'll want to have an investigation and impeach Trump over this. a Bloomberg article. U.S., China Reach Substantial ‘Phase One’ Trade Deal, Trump Says
  4. 2 for 1 here. https://twitter.com/kacang_tua/status/1182743339340308481
  5. thread. https://twitter.com/AndrewDesiderio/status/1182658493653929984
  6. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1182670968780677120
  7. this is the essence of our presence in the Middle East. the presence behind the curtain plays both sides according to whichever, at the moment, benefits the Petro dollar. it is quite possible that the conflict in Syria boiled down to a pipeline.
  8. oh geeze... i thought hard hitting meant .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf_Lwe6p-Cg
  9. currently, we sit @ 10th in YPG. all things being equal, the points will come.
  10. i might disagree with you on the last play not being causation chain bound. if anything, only the first play of a game is not constrained by that chain. however, you're correct, we won't ever know the woulda/coulda/shoulda's, nor do they really matter.
  11. i'd say it's still quite early to make an accurate observation with regard to points scored per game. consider that two of our games were against the top rated and sixth rated defenses in points allowed. NE @ 6.8 PPG and Tennessee @15.2 PPG allowed. the kid has just played his 16th game at the pro level, he is progressing by all appearances. can we just calm down a bit and give him a chance to grow into his new shoes a bit here? it has been close to two decades since we have had even a whiff of what we are now experiencing. enjoy it.
  12. seriously?? your going to use the same paper three times by folding it twice?? https://twitter.com/NoozheMakwa/status/1182417014788427779
  13. i think it's becoming readily apparent to anyone with a brain that there is no way the ones behind the curtain are going to let Joe be the Democrat nominee. if they have to put him, his brother and his son in prison to accomplish this, they won't bat an eye. Joe had better wise up real soon.
  14. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1182398441336393730
  15. they're just filthy. every. single. last. one. of. them. dirty. https://twitter.com/Avery1776/status/1182115978664120320
  16. https://twitter.com/Rmhenry1Henry/status/1182140433385717762
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