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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/MarioDB/status/1184499037619343362 https://twitter.com/RepGosar/status/1184522257521086468
  2. hey everyone, Happy International Pronouns Day! Pronouns Matter!!! damn the binary world
  3. https://twitter.com/RawStory/status/1184536532889280515
  4. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1184501231449862144
  5. it's about damn time someone (anyone) stood up to these House ***** and their clown show. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1184553200155795456
  6. https://twitter.com/stranahan/status/1184297867168665600
  7. i have my doubts as well. however, i will not let that spoil my optimism, that the criminals will be held to the same standard the rest of us are, totally.
  8. 3D printing is the schnizzle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34F71XqvOjg
  9. yeah..... no. i doubt there is going to even be a Democrat party after all the ***** comes out and they are prosecuted. well, let me take that back... there will still probably be you, Gary Busy and Ben Franklin in it, so it won't go totally extinct.
  10. feelings, nothing more than feelings...
  11. thread. to quote a relevant portion.. 'all streams are beginning to converge'. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1184239518456651778
  12. posting for the response tweet (second). in actuality, does anyone doubt this is probably what will happen? Nancy will take the stage and proudly proclaim, "We do hereby proclaim President Trump impeached, effective immediately.". thereby cementing the comedy gold that the House is. https://twitter.com/expertmarx/status/1184425346663354370
  13. Barr obtained them. https://twitter.com/SidneyPowell1/status/1184249810356002816
  14. because they're not honest. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1184337535646027776
  15. on the nightly news a couple of days ago, they had a story on about a contractor (i won't mention the contractor but they are well known) who had apparently bilked homeowners in Brighton to the tune of $500k. smh, did the homeowners just fall off the turnip truck?
  16. just think EiI, you've got something to look forward to. if that is, you can remember it...
  17. holy cripes. is that a caricature or is that really Joe? ummm... something about the illusion of choice?
  18. you mean the current travesty being conducted in a star chamber? thank goodness it's not the way things work in this great country. and just to help you along here, investigations do not find anyone guilty of anything. will you accept a verdict that the trial in Senate hands down, if there is even a trial? @Azalin nailed you to a T. you're a ***** snowflake and nothing you do will ever change that.
  19. yep, keep believing what the propagandists throw at you.
  20. well... it is a step or two up from their, 'debunked conspiracy theories' angle that they almost always parroted when discussing the topic. Joe's done, he just doesn't know what everyone one else does.
  21. https://twitter.com/ErinMPerrine/status/1184147225099886592
  22. https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1184211806174081024 https://twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1184213839098736640
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