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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. lemme guess... your anti-sunlight, amiright??
  2. end of July? here's to hoping that there is shrapnel in all directions at that point from Durham and Jensen.
  3. another day... another stepping on one's own richard... you must enjoy the feeling is the only thing i can come up with at this point...
  4. so... you want DR to prove a negative. you know that there is no legal standard or crime regarding collusion, right? you have so clearly been conditioned by the propagandists. oye! you don't prove innocence you dolt (said in the most loving way)! it's like asking someone to prove a negative, it doesn't work that way. you should be glad it doesn't too. what if someone said you molest your students? unless your proven innocent, you are then guilty? believe all women, amiright?
  5. off topic but... it (the ability to embed) may be included in IPS 5.0. they are expanding social embed ability with that roll out. i know tik tok will embed with 5.0
  6. i wouldn't hold my breath if i were you.
  7. we used to do 'purple people eaters'... mad dog 20/20 mixed with vodka. we were young then so hangovers were the least of our concerns. however, we didn't do it at the kiddie park....
  8. alcohol, in a paper bag, at a kiddie park.... hmmmm.....
  9. wha?? you're clinically insane if you think this holds even the remotest kernel of truth.
  10. lol. i tried to give him an out in the previous two posts, but then you knew that.
  11. so... virtue signaling then? it's all i got at this point...
  12. sure. stick to a hardened position of which you were ultimately wrong about. it's a good look.
  13. you sure? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT4tLI4fh3Q&feature=emb_logo h/t to @Hedge
  14. think any might want to... you know... have a plate of crow?
  15. holy crow there is racism where you want to find it. people are the same the world over. they lurk in your backyard if you are looking for it. this is a non story, is that so hard to see? cripes.
  16. did i wake up in another timeline? weren't they saying at one point that black people were more susceptible to Kung Flu?
  17. so... your being disingenuous then. gotcha.
  18. you apparently missed the Dave Chappelle act. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZXoErL2124
  19. dunno what happened but not long ago there was this guy named Juicy Smollette...
  20. the complete opening statement is pretty damning if he is to be believed. should be an interesting hearing.
  21. thanks for the added context. knew there was more there that wasn't correlated with the other Tweet. appreciate the additional info as well.
  22. sure, the virus is not political but that doesn't stop the left from politicizing it.
  23. 20 months ago? i'm obviously missing something here.
  24. https://twitter.com/TomFitton/status/1242240739842699266
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