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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. not entirely what was said. here is the clip. https://twitter.com/YahooNews/status/1184881861668982784
  2. how do we know the House actually supports this star chamber impeachment inquiry and that it is not just upon the whims of president wannabe Pelosi and her cohorts? it could be that they are intimidated into silent acquiescence by her standing. without a vote to express the will of the entire House, it is, as you say... half-assing it. at some point the transcripts will have to be released. because of the on the fly routine here, who knows if they will before there is a vote on articles of impeachment but it will have to be done as supporting evidence of their article(s) of impeachment that gets forwarded to the Senate for a trial. this is all grandstanding to minimize their ineptitude. if they learned anything from the Mueller Report hearings, it is that they learned to not let their agenda get B word slapped in the public eye.
  3. ******************************************************** there goes another Donner narrative down the drain if it holds. tff
  4. #winning https://twitter.com/IvankaTrump/status/1184573738236465152
  5. another really good point (response tweet). https://twitter.com/peonies_i/status/1184857635004342282
  6. ladies and gentlemen, your dog and pony show apparently York has obtained the transcript somehow. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1184850259123621889
  7. sorry but, no. Nancy's quest is not an impeachment. hell it is not even supported by the majority of the House. if it was, she would have them go on record and vote to approve of a real investigation.
  8. nobody tell trans... but... but.. Donner enthusiasm... https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1184848482844250113
  9. calling the current Donner narrative an impeachment inquiry.
  10. so... Trump was extorting Ukraine as far back as Jan 2016? you guise...
  11. best one yet. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1184589838688743424
  12. https://twitter.com/SecGeneScalia/status/1184584073622294530
  13. Donners, disingenuous *****. https://twitter.com/lawyer4laws/status/1184674024175132673
  14. really good point. https://twitter.com/RepLizCheney/status/1184521889135386624
  15. just something to keep note of. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1183765281556049921
  16. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1184642900229083136 perhaps this is why a secret investigation is wanted. isn't Schifty a lawyer? he knows that this type of questioning is 'leading' and would be called out in any real setting. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1184787650236112898
  17. https://twitter.com/GKeile/status/1184627865410768897
  18. https://twitter.com/AKA_RealDirty/status/1184774576271777793
  19. https://twitter.com/TreasurySpox/status/1184491050141995008
  20. we are in a revolution. of that there can be no denying. the question remains as to who is going to win it. with the levels of criminal corruption that are being exposed, if there are not criminal consequences, we are done for as a country based upon the rule of law. if they get away with a general hand slap, they will be even more emboldened to greater degrees of depravity. however, there is a really good chance that it becomes a shooting revolution with the way the propaganda media has deluded a good percentage of the population. if we get through the election cycle with no extreme acts of violence against Trump supporters at one of his rallies, i will be surprised.
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