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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Barr (Durham) wants to interview a bunch of former spooks. an NBC article, ignore the spin... AG Barr expands mysterious review into origin of Russia investigation ... Justice Department officials have said that Durham has found something significant, and that critics should be careful. ... ... A Western intelligence official familiar with what Durham has been asking of foreign officials says his inquiries track closely with the questions raised about the Russia investigation in right-wing media. ... and this last ... “I’m very comfortable with everything I was involved in,” Brennan said.
  2. her real name is spelled, 'Barbara' so you are probably correct.
  3. did you read his post. his words, not mine. have the balls to come back as one of your other sock puppets and actually contribute. run along now.
  4. i have always suspected you were set in your ways. the problem with that is that you become unreachable. when one is unreachable, it is not only hazardous for them, but there is a good possibility that they will become a danger to those around them. neither is a good situation. your right of course (see what i did there?), conservatives who force their beliefs upon anyone is an #######. of course lefties who force their progressiveness upon anyone is... what exactly? i heard an interesting quote the other day, not sure exactly how it went but it was something like... the older we get, the more pronounced we become in what we have always been. just a FYI but... i don't think enlightenment comes from being set in your ways.
  5. again, thank you for the thoughtful response, this is the discourse i was/am looking for here. yes, legitimate question as i am trying to understand if we have any hope of avoiding a violent revolution. make no mistake, we are in the beginning stages of a revolution. and believe it or not, i mostly respect you as well. it is just that when something attacks my senses, i am prone to call it out. however, if you have noticed, i have not been 'mean' to you much of late (though i do reserve the right to do so when the offense is especially egregious). i did not know that it bothered you so. regardless of our bet, should i win (which i am pretty convinced i will at this point), i am going to try to be less 'mean' to you going forward. 'tis never my intent to hurt someone beyond what would be considered topical. that said, i think you need to get a better understanding of what 'discourse' is amongst big boys. if one can't stand the heat, perhaps they have no business being in the kitchen. many factors come into play here on the 'net, including but not limited to bravado. this gets to the heart of my concerns, thank you. and this is important. the important thing about going to sourced material that goes against our preconceived biases is that you are going to find material that you ordinarily would not find from a site that confirms ones biases. the best, easiest way to separate the wheat from the chaff is to look for quoted material and take that in outside of the narrative being projected around it. today, most of the chaff around quoted material is commentary that tries to spin a narrative that panders to the audience they are trying to appease or worse yet, lead by the nose. be it on the left or right. i say it is important because in that, if there is something that goes against what the sources biases are, they will not report said item but will cherry pick everything around it to paint the picture they want. not for nothing but... is there anyone outside of Biden, in the Dem field who is not far off in left field? Warren and Sanders are so far out in left field, it is hard to see them. i am glad that you are able to interact with others on the opposite side of the political spectrum. we hear so many stories of those who are unable to do so because they are so insecure in their own skin and feel threatened by anyone who does not think as they do. they would much rather wall themselves off so their delicate feelings are not offended. in all honesty, i don't care what your political affiliation/leanings are. the main thing i want is for people to be informed. don't believe something because you live in an echo chamber, there is no quicker way to the slaughter house than that of being led by the nose. regarding this place being toxic; yes and no. i am a firm believer that you get what you give. many times i see people talking past one another here and not to each other, i am no exception. i think many have a stake in being right and do not want to be proven wrong, whereas we could all stand a little more humility to keep the fall from being so great if and when it does come. if you don't want it to be as toxic, bringing a little more truthfulness and honesty would help to mitigate the problem. if you get toxic in return, well... then you just have to consider the source and try to understand where it is coming from. many reasons why someone responds the way they do. if it becomes a pattern from a certain direction then that should tell you something as well. i have found that it always helps to look in the mirror first though. understanding ones part in an interaction is important. as to the first paragraph here.. this is why your discernment is of the utmost importance. i do understand that for someone who leans towards the left, that this place can be more than one would want to handle even on a occasional basis. the perceived dog piling can seem like an attack from all sides. again, i am no angel in this either, though i do try to abstain to the occasional tort to try and help possibly with some form of understanding as one never knows what will make sense to another. i often find myself wondering these days whether or not we have returned to the days of Babel. are we all speaking different languages that in turn is going to lead to our destruction? i am fearful as to what my senses are answering on that. here's the thing... if you are going to take a position, you best be prepared to back it up. if you are citing sources, then you need to provide that evidence so others can peruse it and either argue against it or cede that perhaps you have a point. taking a position and citing data and telling others to look it up is not how it works - i think you understand that. it is being lazy and disingenuous, regardless of the reasoning behind it. turning the question back on myself... i have to say yes, yes indeed i read/watch/consume material from all sides. i source material not only from left and right sources but also from independent, foreign, conspiratorial and the woo world. they all contain grains of truth and they all contain seeds of disinformation. while i mainly try to seek the wheat, it is interesting to see the chaff from all of these places and how they contrast and/or confirm one another. i guess the real impetus for me starting this thread is that i just have a hard time understanding where the left is at these days. you all scream #orangemanbad (not used as a demeaning nomer, more of catch all for the current state of play), yet from everything thing i can see and consume, every fiber of my being points to the corruption coming from the left. trust me, i am not a Trumper. i am actually politically agnostic, rather, perhaps better termed, i was before Trump came along. what i see with Trump is that he is exposing the corruption of the elite class that thinks they are above us and have thought that for too long of a time now the corruption is endemic within the system today and the only way you make it into the club is to be corrupt in some way as well. they need to be able to control you and without compromising positions to play, they use the playbook against you. you will play by their rules or you don't get to play very long. this is why i support Trump, i want the elite to be held accountable to the same laws and rules that you and i are. there is no reason they should be above us, they are, our, representatives. do those of you on the left who want anyone but Trump think that if you get your wish, that it won't be anything but BAU again? i mean, it may be that the horse has left the barn and it won't matter but... these ***** have so many tricks up their sleeve, with the way they have the propaganda press in their hip pocket, i'm not convinced that we are in the clear yet. give us 4 more years of Trump and i believe the horse will be so far down that road that there will be no return. yes, he has warts but who doesn't. it's not like the Dems would let him get away with anything. the microscope is so fine that it would be almost impossible.
  6. https://twitter.com/SayWhenLA/status/1185504893815185408
  7. response tweet. hint.. hint... https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1185391784752484352
  8. well, it is a Friday night headed into the weekend. thank you for your honest replies to the thread, much appreciated. i will have a reply later, not much time atm due to other obligations both online and off. It was and is an honest question. i do hope that this thread does not become an attack thread in it's overall demeanor, that is not the desired focus. however, if it keeps going in a direction i do not like, i may have to delete it. i kid, i kid....
  9. something that has been bothering me and in the back of my mind for some time now. i am curious do you guys/gals ( @Tiberius, @Bob in Mich, @ALF, @Gary Busey, (@John Adams, @Benjamin Franklin, @BeginnersMind), @Crayola64, @ExiledInIllinois, @transplantbillsfan etc... apologies to anyone i may have missed, 'twas not intended) read the sourced materials/articles here? or do you get your information elsewhere and just assume that anything posted here is mainly partisan hogwash, so you omit it from your information gathering? if it is the latter, do you read/watch/gather sourced material that is outside of your biases? yes, yes i know that twitter is the end of the universe. however, many of them contain links to sourced material. just an honest question, i am curious. TYIA for your responses.
  10. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1185154840869179393
  11. they're getting pretty quick with these... https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1185299513352822785
  12. https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1185195156074586112
  13. https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1185262355086753793
  14. macaroni? zitti? https://twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1185203418861723649
  15. https://twitter.com/MariaBartiromo/status/1185229065210486784
  16. nothing new. we have been protecting our oil in the Middle East since the 50's.
  17. is 'Videoshop' anything like 'Photoshop'?
  18. jeebus, that probably deserves it's own thread.
  19. hate the messenger all you want, doesn't change the story one bit. i understand that you're reeling pretty hard these last few hours. your new narrative of Trump putting everyone in peril because he is ending perma-wars just took a massive blow but that will never change that fact that there was never any there there.
  20. suck it Donners. https://twitter.com/DaveNYviii/status/1184931096385015814
  21. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1184922521281466369
  22. upps..... https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1184927740790743041 ***************************************************************************** sorry, no. the EU ambassador didn't say that either.
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