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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJgOKjq1zfM
  2. https://twitter.com/k_ovfefe/status/1186452421087780870
  3. madness to the left of me, jokers to the right... here i am... https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1186432719565144064
  4. but... but... shut up! https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1186464730698764288 it isn't that nature is doing it's thing, it's man made!
  5. apparently there is at least one video of it out there. heard that guy we hate from channel 8 saying something about it on WHAM 1180 yesterday, what's his name Thad Something? would love to see it. i was looking for the conversation we had about whether or not Josh could do this last year. it had formulas and other stuff in it. i could not find it though, perhaps it was archived. ETA: that wasn't too hard, found it. he came pretty dang close. https://twitter.com/thadbrown7/status/1186029016941289473
  6. ahahahahahahaa. a propagandist is trying to goad Republicans. such a ***** tool.
  7. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1186360318659678208 hypocrisy at it's finest.
  8. well, so much for the Dem s hopes and dreams. the narrative of a coming recession is crumbling. https://twitter.com/BenKTallmadge/status/1186212361872429057
  9. sorry Dems, the truth usually always comes out. your narrative is crumbling. https://twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1186375829212647424
  10. the elite class that thinks they are above us? if that is your question, i'm sure he thinks he is above most Americans but in a different way. Trump is a businessman and has an outlook that comes from being a very successful self made man. he didn't earn his wealth off the backs of a constituency of American voters. let me ask you... had Hillary won, do you believe we would be seeing the exposure of the corruption of the Dems that we are now? what about the evidence that is now slowly coming out about the illegal surveillance that was going on prior to the actual election. why do you think Hillary said that if she lost, they were all going to hang. do you think Epstein, the pedophilia and all the human trafficking that is being exposed and prosecuted would have happened under the Hillmeister? what about illegal immigration (i'm sure it wouldn't have been as pronounced had Hill won because the Dem sponsored groups wouldn't have had to create a crisis)? do you think we would be at war with anyone other than who we were at war with in 2016 if the Hillster won? and not to be one sided here, the Republicans are just as corrupt in my book. i think we are seeing a different attack on that front though, with many of these guys being forced to retire. it is my hope that when he gets elected, he will go after those Repubs who are equally corrupt because they are no different than the corrupt Dems. clean the entire cesspool.
  11. i haven't had time to look at news yet. what was the outcome here? i'm sure it was a failed motion/bill/whatever.
  12. https://twitter.com/prageru/status/1186043162688737281
  13. quid pro quo? https://twitter.com/Kredo0/status/1186092510713729025
  14. interesting links within. Navy Patents UFO-Like Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor and Hybrid Space/Sea Crafts
  15. a really good interview with Kimberly Strassel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSMxQHqHYI0
  16. this one is especially for @transplantbillsfan it is a breitbart article but is the only one i could find that goes into as much detail. read just the quotes if you don't want the commentary. in it, she decries the current state of both the RNC and the DNC. Hillary Clinton Decries ‘Bankrupt’ DNC: ‘We’re Going to Be ‘Outgunned, Outspent, Out-Lied’ or if you prefer... a YouTube of her comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxfhrIAJA54 it's going to be a rout, as it should.
  17. https://twitter.com/DevinNunes/status/1185742802099023874
  18. this one is about the war for your mind. the more you know.... https://twitter.com/DeepStateExpose/status/1185671679885926400
  19. interesting thread. could go in multiple places with all the items touched upon. https://twitter.com/SayWhenLA/status/1185760427818569728
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