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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. have they released the resolution yet? i thought it was supposed to be out today.
  2. this could go in multiple threads so i'll just drop it here. always enjoy John Solomon. https://twitter.com/LouDobbs/status/1188972470671462403
  3. actually, reading the letter where it says, "we will bring a resolution to the Floor that affirms the ongoing, existing investigation" means that they will have to go on record. we will see however whether or not the actual wording of the resolution reflects this or not.
  4. thanks, that was kind of my understanding from the wording on the Tweet Hedge posted, hence my question. Dems still avoiding going on record as to whether or not they support impeachment. https://twitter.com/The_War_Economy/status/1188908757478203392
  5. Lebanon Bans Removal Of Large Dollar Sums From Country Amid Bank Run "Panic" Eleven days into banks across Lebanon being shuttered due to mass anti-government corruption protests which have gripped the nation, in numbers estimated at one million people taking to the streets simultaneously (a stunning quarter of the population), authorities have just put a temporary ban on removing any large sum of physical dollar currency from out of the country. The order was issued Sunday by Public Prosecutor Ghassan Oueidat who imposed the ban on all air and land borders, in effect "until the central bank determines a new mechanism for regulating such transfers." Previously a customs permit was required to take large cash amounts out of the country, but there's now concern that a potential run on the banks could crash the economy the moment they finally do open. ... i just have one question... got cryptos?
  6. is this a side step to actually voting on an investigation or will they actually authorize one?
  7. there is a rumor out there that Comey has flipped and has been cooperating for several months. i don't know if i believe that but thought to possibly pass it along.
  8. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1188486793609568256 why? she'll probably get up and walk out, amiright??
  9. notice the, "Make Hong Kong Great Again" hat. https://twitter.com/JeremyJSandberg/status/1186457286295740418
  10. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1188174447259328514
  11. https://twitter.com/mschlapp/status/1188083319147319302 https://twitter.com/mschlapp/status/1187912445446311936
  12. https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1188071103513743360
  13. the tide is turning, the shoe is now squarely on the other foot.. Larry C. Johnson: Bill Barr Has Pulled the Trigger and Altered the Landscape – The Deep State Does Not Truly Understand the Peril They Now Face ... What is going on? Two words. Bill Barr. The Attorney General has pulled the trigger and altered the landscape in the Russiagate saga. Having been granted full authority by the President to declassify information, including intel from the CIA and the NSA, he has now acted in a powerful, but low key way. The announcement that this is now a criminal investigation means that anyone, including FBI agents and CIA officers, who try to hold back information or hide information will be vulnerable to obstruction of justice charges. Criminal penalties attach. Faced with possible charges of obstruction, FBI Director Christopher Wray and his sycophants last night folded like a cheap tent in a hurricane in terms of blocking release of the Inspector General report on FISA abuses. They also withdrew the FBI objections to the Exhibits that Sidney Powell had attached to her brief explaining why the FBI had engaged in criminal activity against her client, General Mike Flynn. When Durham goes to the CIA, the DIA and the NSA asking questions and demanding documents they must cooperate or face criminal charges. That is the game changers. President Trump granted Bill Barr full authority to declassify any classified information. That includes anything collected by the CIA or the NSA. Neither intelligence agency can hide behind the claim that something is classified. If they try, they will face being charged with obstruction of justice. ... a good article at the Conservative Treehouse. sums up what is going on . Stunning, Potentially Game-Changing, Court Filing by Flynn Defense Lawyer Sidney Powell… In a lengthy court filing surrounding the issues of Brady discovery material, Mike Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, drops some serious evidentiary bombshells on the court. Ms. Powell brings Lady Justice to the courtroom, and her revelations are stunning. [Full pdf’s below] ...
  14. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1187942793273954305
  15. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1188046504663158785 https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1188050839086256128
  16. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1187989193898594304
  17. thread. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1187825755587305472 2nd tweet. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1187840372405424129
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