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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. you can't really fault the people on the short bus. their minds are so weak that they rely on others (read: main stream propagandists) to tell them what to believe and what to think. that they grew up lacking critical thinking skills is plainly evident because it doesn't take much to understand that simple logic should dictate, to even a caveman that one plus one equals two. not three, four, seven or twenty-two, but just two. another factor to consider is that they are so invested in what they have been sold, that to find out or have to admit that they have been gamed would shatter the precious little world they reside in. we call them muckers because they just plod through the mire not wanting to actually have to do anything to survive. ***** up the works of what was the most successful engine in the world. strange energies from space are the only logical explanation for the madness we are experiencing.
  2. i would bet they get some psychiatrist(s) to pronounce Trump unfit to serve, 25th amendment type of play because they have to know they have nothing here.
  3. The next graphene? Shiny and magnetic, a new form of pure carbon dazzles with potential A “happy accident” has yielded a new, stable form of pure carbon made from cheap feedstocks, researchers say. Like diamond and graphene, two other guises of carbon, the material seems to have extraordinary physical properties. It is harder than stainless steel, about as conductive, and as reflective as a polished aluminum mirror. Perhaps most surprising, the substance appears to be ferromagnetic, behaving like a permanent magnet at temperatures up to 125°C—a first for carbon. The discovery, announced by physicist Joel Therrien of the University of Massachusetts in Lowell on 4 November here at the International Symposium on Clusters and Nanomaterials, could lead to lightweight coatings, medical products, and novel electronic devices. ... ... Therrien says the discovery came in a failed attempt to synthesize pentagraphene, a sheet of carbon atoms bound in pentagonal rings that has been predicted but never created. His idea was to exploit a technique known as “geometrical frustration.” He placed a catalyst, a sheet of copper foil, on a pedestal in the center of a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) oven and heated it to about 800°C. But rather than pumping in a feed gas of the usual small hydrocarbons, such as methane, he injected a more complex precursor: 2,2 dimethylbutane, a cheap petrochemical that is available by the ton. As a branched hexane, the chemical has six carbon atoms arranged along a bent backbone. ...
  4. a whole lotta trolls converging on this thread. with all the flack DR has taken from them lately, it just verifies he is over the target. gonna be some idiots walking around drooling all over the place once their paradigm gets destroyed.
  5. https://twitter.com/Tiff_FitzHenry/status/1193183109224783874
  6. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1192997491404410880
  7. omfg! it's Schifty goddamned trial and unless you play by his rules you will not get to play with his ball. what a absolute, complete clown show this has become. the R's should really start to adopt a different approach here. they should simply ignore what the Donner's are doing in their star chamber. let them do whatever the ***** hell they want because they are going to do it anyways. let them show the people what they are and when the articles of impeachment are referred to the Senate, then we can have a real trial and show the American public just how dubious these ***** are. can you imagine House impeachment proceedings with no R's. you might say that that would not be a good thing. my contention would be that the ***** show would be short because they would wrap things up rather fast then we could get to actual truth that much quicker and hang the traitors. and i do mean hang the traitors.
  8. or... it is a play by the Donner Party to protect him (though, as you say, i doubt Schiffty possesses that much guile).
  9. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1192182330829475841 why did they revoke the subpoena? are they afraid that the court would say the impeachment process is flawed and side with the Trump administration?
  10. here;s a whistleblower you won't hear about on the 6 'clock news or anywhere on msm for that matter. https://twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1191762806070218752
  11. https://twitter.com/FOOL_NELSON/status/1191436980086853633
  12. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1191355985719263233
  13. it's good to see that you are beginning to accept the inevitable there, tibsy. https://twitter.com/marcshort45/status/1191364206253219841
  14. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1191470631990087680
  15. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1191329758602309632
  16. https://twitter.com/kyledcheney/status/1191398130102743040
  17. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1191471811562790912
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