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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. lol. Conway entering into the record WaPo's article on Schifty's claims that the Whistleblower has a statutory right to anonymity, getting three Pinocchios.
  2. i am glad i don't live in the world you apparently would have us live in. one where conjecture and not facts convict. my conjecture is that you're guilty of being obtuse and as such should be banned from the board for life. see how that works???
  3. none. their polling will have shown them that it is not a good thing for a Dem. that or the DNC will have prohibited it.
  4. again, Sondland said Trump never called for a quid pro quo directly. are you being intentionally obtuse here?
  5. he just said and i quote....Sondland, " nobody told me directly the aid was tied to anything, i was presuming it was"
  6. he said, his interpretation. you do understand that others have an interpretation that there was no quid, right?
  7. his selective memory is laughable. twice in the same sentence, same text, he remembers one item but not another. there are no two ways about it here, his testimony can not be considered reliable.
  8. it is my hope that regardless of the outcome here... whether Trump gets removed from office via impeachment or loses the election... the horse has left the barn. the issue of the deep state and their graft (in all of it's manifestations) of the American public is now within the public's mind's eye. as such, removing Trump is not going to matter, they are now living on borrowed time. the collective unconscious is leaking, you will not be able to stop it at this point.
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