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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. this is the first Impeachment inquiry in history that has only been authorized by one party. i suspect it will also be the first to approve of articles of impeachment by only one party. let me ask you with what i hope will be your honest reply. i'm sure you have seen and heard many sound bytes from Democrats where they are on record as saying they were going to impeach him way back in 2016. doesn't what is currently happening strike you, in any way as being purely partisan?
  2. so, you think this is the end of the Intelligence Committee portion of the dog and pony show. if it does indeed move to the Judiciary, they will have to submit Articles and vote upon them.
  3. today's hearing of witnesses, Fiona Hill and David Holmes are currently the last publicly scheduled ones. does the Dem clown show then move to the Judiciary or will Schifty attempt to prolong this ***** show by bringing more witnesses testifying the same things in hopes of swaying public opinion?
  4. https://twitter.com/CarpeDonktum/status/1197316668055265280
  5. second tweet. the first one is interesting however... https://twitter.com/AKA_RealDirty/status/1197363297466699778
  6. https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1197323403230887936 «NEW FACTS ABOUT INTERNATIONAL CORRUPTION, BURISMA AND SCHEME TO BANKRUPT UKRAINE»
  7. Biden's strongest debate? heaven help us https://twitter.com/chrisjdmartin/status/1197372400872099840 https://twitter.com/TCPigott/status/1197363315678294017 seems the CNN pundits didn't think as highly of Biden's performance either. https://twitter.com/TCPigott/status/1197374852484796421 your national propaganda machine didn't think much of your boy, Pete either. https://twitter.com/SteveGuest/status/1197377097980956672 the Dems, between what they are doing with their ever incessant #orangemanbad iterations and their horror, ***** show of potential leaders they are putting forward, are going to have everything they can do just to prevent their extinction in the coming years.
  8. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1197271620047581186 making it up as they go along.
  9. lemme guess... the lone dissenter was AOC?
  10. https://twitter.com/AKA_RealDirty/status/1197263865035264001
  11. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1197267354356453376
  12. https://twitter.com/RLHeinrichs/status/1197249569160974336 i'll say it again.... unreliable.
  13. along with 4 interceptions? and Epstein didn't kill himself.
  14. seems it is based somewhat upon the percentages of House members. makes sense i guess.
  15. looking back, it would appear that the majority always has 4 more members (currently 3 because Jordan has been added?) on the Intelligence Committee. previously when Repubs held the majority during the 114th and 115th Congress, they had the same advantage.
  16. question - why are there an unbalanced number of members from either side on the Intelligence Committee? more Dems than Repubs.
  17. https://twitter.com/JVanMaren/status/1197175107581620224 women are ultimately going to lead us out of the madness we have driven ourselves into.
  18. Following Sondland Restaurant Call, Menendez Requests Investigation into Diplomatic Security Breaches by Trump Admin Officials | United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
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