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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. it would seem that the gates on the dam are being opened... from Dec into the new year, it would appear that items are going to come at us like a tidal wave.
  2. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1197533068669706242 https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1197533227583447042 https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1197533418994765831 https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1197533569243058176
  3. good line of questioning. 'is it appropriate for the democrat party to fund foreign opposition research?'
  4. getting ready to resume. *********************************** thread... https://twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1197544376299212800
  5. thanks for the consideration. it really was a toss up and i went for the lessor of the two evils.
  6. yeah but this iteration of the Dems is so far out there that, they are being seen by fewer and fewer people everyday with what they maintain as their current platform. when Obama, Michael Moore and even Nancy Pelosi are warning them that their ideals are wacko, if they continue on their present course, they are destined to go the way of the woolly mammoth.
  7. interesting. there is a history of him supposedly having been in on graft. did he do it this time or are Democrats infiltrating Israel?
  8. mark my words. extinction looms on the horizon for the Democrat party.
  9. thanks. though my question was mainly rhetorical, your response helps (?) the NPC crowd.
  10. lol. your not serious. the US President set US Foreign Policy. does he not? or are you asserting that unelected officials do? you probably should quit while you're behind at this point. you can't possibly believe the nonsense you spout.
  11. i keep hearing that the 'conspiracy theory' surrounding the Ukraine interference in the 2016 election has been disproven. my questions are... by whom has this been disproven and if it has been disproven, why do Dems care so much if the President purses it? nothing there, right?
  12. Holmes opining on policy and what we need to do. because... he makes policy apparently.
  13. agreed. what i can't determine is whether he is being disingenuous or worse, just dense and obtuse. i understand that he is trying to justify today's impeachment hearing because he believes that because Cohen, Stone and to a lessor degree Flynn have all been charged in connection with the Russian Collusion sham. nevermind that the charges had absolutely nothing to do with Russian Collusion and everything to do with process crimes of the investigation which were only brought forth because they couldn't get anything of substance on which the Russian Collusion narrative was formed around. Manafort was convicted for previous crimes, nothing whatsoever to do with Russian Collusion. of course, i understand that i'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
  14. ya know... they probably have to pass Articles of Impeachment so they can read them to know what is within them. ********************************************************************* hello... the Russian Collusion has been disproved by the Mueller Report. wait... are you saying that this impeachment hearing is all about laws that were broken during that Russian Collusion that has been thoroughly disproved?
  15. alright. i had hoped that you would have an honest discussion but i see that that is not going to happen. that or you are simply too dense and obtuse to have an honest discussion with. have a great day.
  16. that it is a witchhunt of the highest order? no laws were broken and that the President was doing his job?
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