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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. just how what is coming down the pike (read; Horowitz report, Durham report, the new Ukrainian investigation, Graham's request to State for documentation , and whatever else the ***** comes out...)fits into what is already currently going on, is going to be interesting to see. the Dems/Deep State will have shot their wad and everything going forward should now be in control of the conservatives. going to be interesting year with everything that is on the server. not to mention there will inevitably be items we have not yet seen. I would bet that the Dems/Deep State cast a False Flag to save their asses for a small amount of time. the only question is what the magnitude of that false flag be. with what they are facing. it is going to have to be rather significant.
  2. i agree in some respects. i still am of multiple thoughts on exactly what their endgame is here but no matter which scenario i playout, it always ends with it blowing up in their faces. with regard to not sending articles to the Senate, the perception of the public will then become, 'why the ***** did they just waste our time and tax money?'. along with the fact that the rabid left will begin to eat their own if they don't impeach. this is after all, more than likely a one time shot.
  3. prolly go to the Judiciary just before or after Thanksgiving with a show there for one or two weeks. whatever Articles come out of the final House clown show, sent to the Senate early in Dec.
  4. they will write a report for the Judiciary to consider. the report will most likely recommend what articles should be voted upon. ************************************************************* wake up Tibs.
  5. are you saying that that iteration of the Republican Party is on par with today's Democrat Party?
  6. right. they are on a tight timeline. they have candidates that have to be on the campaign trail so they want to get it to the Senate before the end of the year. the first primaries/caucus' begin in Iowa on February 3rd. along with three more scheduled the rest of February before the really big day of March 3rd where 16 states hold their primaries/caucus'.
  7. your right, her testimony is not unique. almost all of those ho have testified have testified that Trumps foreign policy with regard to Ukraine is much stronger than it was when we were sending 'blankets' under Obama. Foreign Policy is National Interest is Foreign Policy. right?
  8. much of her testimony boils down to differences in policy beliefs. since policy is set by the president, those qualms are immaterial. but i know... #impeach!
  9. whats to ask that hasn't already been covered ad infinitum? i agree, Hill and Holmes are probably two of the Dems stronger witnesses. however with that said, they in no way change what has actually happened. they are still mostly testifying to their feelings and suppositions.
  10. another article on this. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1197582414110789632 twitter shadow banning the propagation/embed of certain tweets again?
  11. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1197583277101465600
  12. Physicists claim to have found NEW force of nature which may unravel one of the universe’s greatest MYSTERIES ... The new boson couldn't be mistaken for one of its existing counterparts as it has a particularly distinctive mass – 17 megaelectronvolts (or roughly 33 times that of an electron). They also don't live very long, lasting just 10 to the minus 14 seconds. The team wanted to replicate their theory of a possible fifth force governed by a new boson but shifted focus from beryllium to helium nuclei, in which pairs of electrons and positrons also separated at an angle that didn't align with current modelling (115 degrees). By reverse-engineering their observations, the team posit that the helium's nucleus could also have produced a short-lived boson with a mass of roughly, you guessed it, 17 megaelectronvolts – hence its name name X17. The latest study is yet to be peer reviewed but the team's previous research was accepted by the journal Physical Review Letters. Once their findings have been thoroughly pored over, we may finally have a solution to the long-standing and often bemusing problem of accounting for dark matter which makes up the vast majority of the universe and is believed to be responsible for some truly baffling behaviour among the stars.
  13. i hope you have a good time and enjoy it.
  14. you're a *****. change the thread title because you began trolling your own thread.
  15. headed up to Buffalo to the in-laws for the day.
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