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Everything posted by Foxx

  2. was this posted yesterday and i just missed it? letter from Nunes to Schifty. they (Dems) screwed up again. too damn funny. seems that in H.R. 660 they forgot to displace H.R. XI, Clause 2(j)(1), which grants the minority 1 day to call any witnesses they want. idiots. The Minority Witness Rule (Clause 2(j)(1) of Rule XI) – The Minority is entitled to one additional day of related hearings at which to call their own witnesses if a majority of the Minority Members make their demand before the committee�s hearing is gaveled closed.
  3. would you say that the invention of the digital age has had any bearing upon the editorial narrative that now permeates the news? as an aside... i just looked up the Time Union, the last bastion of conservative reporting from the early 20's here in Rochester (i used to deliver that paper back in the day) and could not believe that it was still printed up until '97. i could have sworn it went out of circulation back in the 80's
  4. tibs, are you okay? seems the last two days your posts have a bit of resignation associated with them. trust me, it's all going to be okay. it's Friday, the weekend is here and the Bills are playing this weekend. life is good.
  5. it is the President's job to look into all corruption. your two equivalencies is like comparing apples to oranges.
  6. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1197936441109692416
  7. i believe the Repubs do this as well but the Dems are just on a whole completely different level.
  8. one other thought just for your consideration.... i think if you were a little more genuine in your discourse, you wouldn't get the ***** and your threads would be given fair consideration. again, just my thoughts here.
  9. alright, i'll bite just to be fair. i would say that Graham is just as dirty as the rest of the corrupt swamp. is it any surprise that his stance changes with which ever way the wind blows? i've said it before and i'll reiterate..... i hope that after Trump gets re-elected, he goes after all the corrupt ***** on his side of the aisle. we will be able to do so because after he survives this current Dem ***** show of an impeachment sham and all of the DOJ reports drop along with the coming litigation/prosecutions that those will entail, he will be pretty much bulletproof. then when his second term is up, either Jr. or Ivanka follow him into office and just completely flush the ***** down the drain. i understand though that this is a Utopian dream. we are presented with a rare moment in time where we are being afforded a chance to return the world to a proper stand, one that favors the people and not the self proclaimed elite. i root for this because if it fails, the only other alternative is going to be an armed rebellion, which will happen. one need merely look around the world to see all the unrest being vented against the elite structure in other countries to understand this. what is happening within the US is the pause to decide the outcome for the rest of the world. we have to win, there are no two ways about it. though i consider myself to be anarchist at heart, i do not want to see society go down the latter road because there will be much pain, all around, to be had by all sides. i am also an empath.
  10. two things.... well, three actually. first, i agree that people are tired hearing about impeachment. that however, is a byproduct of the false narrative being pushed by the Democrats. the American people are as a whole, are not stupid. we see this evidenced by Trumps approval rating rising during the Schiff Sham Show. secondly, i too believe that Democrats are better at framing narratives. notwithstanding that, most of their narratives are dubious. they are always trying to get their agenda 'spun' to the people in whatever way they believe to be the most favorable vantage for them. lastly, the Republicans have a duty to have a trial if the Dems are foolish enough to force the Sham Show upon them. again, the American people are not stupid, they understand this. i suspect what will happen is that most of the populace will tune it out and as they have the last three years and get their sound bytes from the 6 o'clock news. the Dems own this, this is their Frankenstein. Repubs just have to kill it with compassion though i would prefer they drive a stake through it's heart, rip it head off and leave no room for ambiguity so that the corruption is laid bare for all to see with no room for doubt, except with those who form the rabid far left.
  11. just shy of halfway through right now but... with the understanding that he always embellishes, there is a lot of good info here about what they know and what is coming.
  12. the main stream journalists are their own worst enemies. they will have no one to blame but themselves if they don't turn their practices around. and they had better do it, like yesterday because they are going to become extinct very soon if they don't.
  13. the lowest prices you will find on anything, all year. if you are wanting a big ticket item, best to check out the deals now as most have already begun their 'Black Friday' sales.
  14. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1197723960651087872
  15. let's not forget that this report has been circulating behind the scenes for awhile now. those included in the report are/have had the chance to review what is said about them and to make written rebuttals to the DOJ. it kind of makes sense that the former spooks hired by the resistance will have knowledge, due to them being in the report. expect more leaks as we draw closer to the actual release because, that's what these people do.
  16. meh, they're just going for two scoops. ? or.... https://twitter.com/markknoller/status/1197643367666126848
  17. and the hits just keep coming. https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1197644727199375365
  18. hmmm... prolly nothing, however... https://twitter.com/W7VOA/status/1197634488475537409
  19. lol. he's got to be sitting in his chair with his head in his hands thinking... what is this box and how did i get in it.
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