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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. who ***** cares. the point is, we have no reason to be afraid of anyone in the NFL.
  2. man, what a game. how 'bout those Buffalo Bills babay! as usual, nice write up, Virgil these guys play as a team, they play for one another. you can just see the camaraderie they have on display each and every week. a great reflection on McD. he knew what he was wanting to build and today, we are seeing the byproduct of that desire. man! i don't know that we will beat the Ravens, as they are playing pretty well themselves right now but i do know that we should not fear them, or anybody including the Patriots they way we are playing. cracked me up at the end of the broadcast where they showed Phillips and Lawson(?) making fun of Elliot's signature spoon feeding thing, too funny. Go Bills!
  3. there is a severe dichotomy here between your desires to move away from fossil fuels and the corruption of the elitist. until there can be graft and a revenue stream incorporated into the fields of new sources of energy production for the elite few, it. is. never. going. to happen. period. secondly, it is never going to pivot on a dime. changing direction for a behemoth as large as the energy sector is required a wide berth. if indeed we have only a decade left, you might as well enjoy it.
  4. correct. one side of the field has the official 'chain'. the other side of the field has the first marker stationed at where the drive began (and there it stays until a change of possession) and the moving marker is where the next first down would be located. nothing to see here. ummm... "half the distance to the goal"
  5. it was the poor mans buzz. however, mixing grain alcohol and wine to slam just really isn't such a good idea. though it was certainly a lot of fun back in the day.
  6. i'm sorry but... didn't Congress essentially abdicate it's rightful powers to the Executive branch?
  7. i had concerns about the mentions in the report being allowed to read it for rebuttals. my concern was that, were they being compartmentalized with only the portions that mention them directly or if they had access to the complete report whereby they had complete knowledge of it. i can't remember now where i read it today but, i read something to the effect that stated they were only allowed access to portions that directly implicated them in some way. so, if indeed this is true, anything we are reading today is subjective at best and probably more likely just downright dubious.
  8. hah! i'm assuming your not referring to vodka and Mad Dog 2020. my head hurts just thinking about that concoction....
  9. right. because no coach, ever, has been fired after receiving unconditional support.
  10. trans, please do not be a sheep. understand exactly what is being claimed that the FBI did, not what the spin wants to twist things into. also understand that you are attempting to be conditioned here so they can play you when it actually does come out.
  11. just more spin. the actual question is whether or not the FBI had proper predicate to initiate a FISA warrant and spy on the campaign.
  12. yep. i have solar and my system is a net zero set up. however, that does not mean that if it were strictly off grid that i would never be without power.
  13. i don't think that the taint is what is being targeted here...
  14. if he fires Jason after the Bills beat the snot out of them, he could promote Kris Richard to interim HC to get a feel for how he would do as a permanent replacement.
  15. and when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't out?? that's right... you don't need no stinking electricity.
  16. honestly, i thought they were one of the most over rated teams at the beginning of the year. ah well....
  17. the chicken wings i will soon be devouring. and of course, a special shout out to my wife for fixing them for me.
  18. well, to be fair... if your behind closed doors, they won't charge you with indecent exposure.
  19. wha?? Minnesota is no longer going to field a football team? sorry, didn't watch the video, tl;dw...
  20. it's a win-win for them. they get a new HC and JG goes to a division rival (Giants) as their new HC.
  21. the bigger waste is bureaucracy. eliminate the graft and waste there, and we would have more than enough for social programs and infrastructure.
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