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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. the only possible answer here would be to slump back in your seat when confronted with an inescapable truth. that should get you a 6.0 amiright??
  2. what exactly is the point you are attempting to make here? that party affiliation has remained pretty static through the time period looked at?
  3. more to my point... the Dems are the ones who are insane. if you look at this whole charade objectively, it is the only logical conclusion. to answer your question directly here, do i think they are insane, no. but i do think #TDS is very real and could be clinically considered a 'condition'.
  4. if you noticed... before the many breaks they had yesterday, the three of them made statements as matter fact. yet after the breaks, they began to incorporate more and more the caveat of, 'if you have proven...' to their blatant biases. me thinks someone must have said this was bad optics. with the possible exception of Karlan who just seemed to become more unhinged as the day wore on.
  5. sure, not the one who implied that Dems wouldn't pick insane witnesses... gotcha.
  6. there was very little in the way of impartiality of the other three, 'witnesses'. all four of which, did not vote for Trump.
  7. ummm.. so again... who is the one painting with a broad brush?
  8. nah. if one were being objective, they would have to admit Turley was mostly impartial in his opines.
  9. quick question for you.... do you think the insane think they're insane or sane?
  10. directly influenced by personal opinion, for three of the 'witnesses' anyways. which for all intent and purposes, renders their 'expert testimony' meaningless.
  11. oversight. having a conflict of interest is not oversight.
  12. what can't they do to ordinary citizens? really? come on... i think that if you are in the public service eye, yeah, all your communications should be subject to oversight.
  13. i for one would have liked it had he been allowed to speak more. watching his body language yesterday, while others spoke was amusing.
  14. Karlan simply has a strong case of #orangemanbad. you can see the raw emotions all over her face when she talks.
  15. would it not behoove you to have a neighbor or short of that, a relative pick the box up for you if you're going to be out of town for an extended amount of time? also, in my experience Fed-Ex is the worst. first of all, it is against the law for them to put any thing inside of a USPS mail box, yet they do it time after time. not to mention that they have lost more packages of mine than they have actually delivered. anytime i order something and see that Fed-Ex is the delivery option, i go out of my way to contact the vendor to see if there is an alternate delivery option, because they absolutely suck. of course, your mileage may vary.
  16. well, i dunno... that is a weak excuse. the President wouldn't be the one questioning but rather White House council. i do however agree that they shouldn't even recognize this sham, in it's current iteration.
  17. i am tired of the'narrative' from both sides. if this was a true hearing to understand what constitutes what 'high crimes and misdomeanors' are, these, 'constitutional scholars' would not venture their, 'opinions' on whether or not Trumps actions constitute as such. it is a severe conflict of interest to state their opinions in this setting. instead it is just more of the same from the Intelligence Committee's hearings. they think we are stupid. my question is... are you?
  18. this is where i come from and have since the beginning. though i have held out hope that Trump is going to beat this rap. the longer this drags on and the longer the AG and his various investigations draw out, my fear is that the Republicans are actually in on this as well. it is all theater, a dog and pony show designed to divide us all. after all, if we are divided against one another they get to push and pull the ewes in which ever direction they desire. i fear that they are going to remove Trump, because much like Brexit, they simply can't have the plebs running things, they can't possibly know what is good for them. we will not be allowed to root out the elite, let alone their rampant corruption. something will happen where Trump is voted in the Senate to be removed. i hope i am wrong but i fear i am not. and shame on those of you rooting for the Dems in this ***** show, you deserve what is coming should the elite get what they desire. those who are rooting against them, they don't deserve it but will get it just the same.
  19. https://twitter.com/CoreysDigs/status/1202054105339977730
  20. ima go with.. transplantbillsfan. at least we won't have to worry about losing him to another team.
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