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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. Universe save us if the Dems win the Senate in 2020 and retain the House. they will surely remove him if that is the case.
  2. hell, they (Greene?) have already said that they are going to keep the investigations going (paraphrased). they have already voted three times to impeach him, why not just keep the shitrade going all through his presidency.
  3. the 'traditional' lines are mostly blurred in today's world. perhaps we need to cis-label them. @DC Tom would be proud...
  4. all i know is that it has been almost 8 complete days since the Bills were last on a football field and i am beginning to Jonez.
  5. Romo is one of the color guys, not play by play. right. Burkhardt is very under appreciated.
  6. i think he's got a deadman's switch consisting of RICO charts for multiple scenarios.
  7. food (literally) for thought. https://twitter.com/flowerhunni/status/1202360549541056513
  8. ignore the 'breaking' aspect if it bothers you. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1202665165075951627
  9. here, i'll show you what being jerky looks like... you know, just so you can get a 'shoe on the other foot perspective'. should we get into your PM to me just prior to Thanksgiving trying to explain away your deletion of certain postings on the forum with regard to pedophilia? are you mad because i essentially told you to ***** off?
  10. yes, the way you attempted to shame me was jerky. i don't expect you to understand that however. you say it like i supported him when he was merely the conduit for allegations. okay, he was convicted, duly noted.. again, your being a ***** and didn't answer my question. attacking a source can be legitimate, yes. however this is not the Washington Post or the NYTimes, both of which have obvious conflicts in their reporting. is/was there an obvious conflict with what was being reported here?
  11. okay i'll bite... what exactly did they do to get the aid released? go ahead, i'll wait.
  12. i had to Google Scott Ritter to find the allegations against him. thank you for making me aware, though the nature in which you attempted to do so is a bit *****. while we are here, are you claiming his alleged crime also invalidates the allegations that the alleged gas attacks by Assad were manufactured?
  13. sorry, but without context, it is nothing more than an excerpt that proves nothing. yes, i believe there was Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election, the degree of which is debatable. millions of illegals voted illegally, i dunno about that but undoubtedly some did. to think that they did not is just being willfully blind or worse, dishonest. is Pizzagate real, read my last sentence.
  14. no, that is not evidence. that is you posting an excerpt without context.
  15. no, it's that there is no factual evidence of this being true.
  16. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1202616255276109824 https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1202616406522703875
  17. not that it could or would happen (as this is not Horowitz purview) but how satisfying would it be to see certain members arrested right there on national TV while the sham is being conducted?
  18. you're incredulous. the only tort you have to my impeaching your statement about Karlan making an apology is to resort to grammar police? then in an attempt to slam me, you try to imply something about my quoting pedophile sources. what the ***** are you going on about here?
  19. that was an apology. your a *****. i'm sorry i called you a ***** but your still a *****. idiot.
  20. there is a difference between being educated and being schooled.
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