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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. really. i don't really care if this place would have a bunch of melted snowflakes had they not made it. sorry but i'm just being honest.
  2. if we scored a TD at the end there, i would have wanted us to go for two. it was just that kind of game. i was pleasantly surprised how well our defensive game plan was effective. though, you might say they scored 24, how could it have been that effective. i think we played very well. offense not so much, obviously. odd game. i hope we see them again this year. i expect a totally different type of game if we do.
  3. said immunity does not extend to commission of a crime. however, i guess revealing classified information may not be a prosecutable offense. but... does that protect him from unlawfully spying, i dunno.
  4. not to argue, but... wouldn't that be more impressive?
  5. https://twitter.com/HSajwanization/status/1203546727573262337
  6. wouldn't last weeks game, Balt/San Fran equal the same amount of wins between two teams as this weeks game between Buf/Balt?
  7. seriously... have you been living under a rock for the last 20 years?
  8. i believe it sold (out) some time ago, though quietly. Drudge sold out to Big Tech!
  9. don't tell Tibs that though.
  10. https://twitter.com/cygnetstar16/status/1203255116549234688 Leaked NHS trade talk documents are accurate but interpreted 'disgracefully', Liam Fox says Leaked minutes detailing UK-US trade talks which Labour claims showed the NHS is "up for sale" were legitimate but interpreted incorrectly, international trade secretary Liam Fox has said. Jeremy Corbyn shared 451 pages detailing meetings about UK-US trade last week and insisted they showed the service would be part of post-Brexit discussions under a Tory Government. The Conservatives have frequently denied it would do so, stating the NHS would be off limit for discussions, with cabinet ministers rejecting the idea of privatising the institution. Asked about the validity of the documents, Dr Fox told Sky: "The documents, as far as I know, will be genuine minutes, I've no reason to presume that they're not." ...
  11. here in NY, with a hybrid, grid tied setup, any excess power generated by your system that is fed back into the grid, gets dumped into the ground. the way the systems are set up, they can't really handle back feeds as it could quite possibly overload the transformers which would cause them to explode and possibly cause widespread outages.
  12. https://twitter.com/mad_liberals/status/1202998275466571778
  13. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1203344905222938624 https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1203358819268669441
  14. thread. a good opine by Brian Cates here... https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1203351316690604037
  15. yeah but... i would be truly impressed if you had them on your electric sno-blower. yep, i have a net zero system myself. on a yearly basis, it provides all of my household electrical needs. unlike you however, i am only 4 years into the system that is expected to last 25 years minimum. with all of the rebates and incentives i was able to garner for the system and install, in two more years i will have recouped my out of pocket expenses, 100%. after that is when the payoff really kicks in. especially when you consider that it is forecast that energy prices are expected to rise 50% by the end of the next decade.
  16. don't forget all the talking points when it comes to allegations against anything Dem... 'debunked' is my favorite but we also have 'unproven' and 'conspiracy theories' amongst others.
  17. this seems a bit odd but coming from Schiffty.... https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1203098268017811459
  18. eat it libs. https://twitter.com/EpochTimes/status/1203160966260822016
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