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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i hope those who are listening are not glossing over the linguistics being used on the Democrats behalf. many caveats in there. 'finding of fact 9 says...' lol, in dem speak... 'we believe blah blah blaaaaaahhhhhhhh'. ********************************************** lol at Dems council questioning council.
  2. this is the most beautiful thing about the internet. we the people are going to tie loose ends and hold them accountable. they can not simply let items that might otherwise be let go due to simply ignoring aspects such as these. when we keep shouting from the rooftops, 'what about this... look at that....', in the end, we are going to win.
  3. i think Castor is doing a very good job of summarizing the case against impeachment.
  4. thanks! ? well, i just have it on in the background listening for high points. much of what Goldman said was just a regurgitation of the shitshow so far trying to sum up what the Dems are pushing, so you are not missing much at this point. they are going to submit articles of impeachment, there are no two ways about. be interesting to hear Castor's rebuttal and then the 5 mins of questioning that will follow. i think the 5 min questioning portion could be interesting to see the total and complete delusion of the Dems and what articles they are leaning towards crafting.
  5. i forget just where i read about it. you should be able to google it.
  6. thanks for the heads up, no worries. myself, i want to pay attention to the house hearings today and plan to begin reading he report later tonight or tomorrow. depending upon how long the report is, it may take a few days to read it all. personally, i am between jobs and taking the opportunity here to do year end tax prep. likely switching back and forth when i get tired of one.
  7. i put this in the wrong thread originally so i deleted it and put it here. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1204073928093773826 https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1204074386900299778
  8. and why are they there? thanks to an Obama directive.
  9. at today's impeachment hearing: https://twitter.com/CarpeDonktum/status/1204062361306456066 also, just listening... the Repubs are coming close to not following decorum.
  10. do anyone need a script? 'cause, i can write one...
  11. from the linked article: ...And the Senate could, in theory, exercise its power for compulsory attendance, directing the sergeant-at-arms to arrest fugitive senators and haul them back to the chamber for the vote. But such power is only used in cases where a quorum is missing—to go from, say, 49 to 51—but never from 70 to 100, making its use in such a scenario unprecedented, and likely an abuse of power. (Frumin thinks it would violate the rules.) Of course, that hasn’t stopped Mitch McConnell before. But any measure to enlist the sergeant-at-arms would require a majority of the senators who were—well, present. (See how useful this word is?) If 30 members were absent, Democrats would presumably defeat the motion to compel the missing senators’ attendance, 47-23. ...
  12. https://twitter.com/_WilliamsonBen/status/1203761855598084096
  13. another: thread. https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1203746858515828736
  14. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1203763071631712262
  15. pretty sure he didn't read the report yet but for entertainment purposes until it gets released: thread. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1203828736594006016
  16. the Naples Daily?? is it any surprise that this comes out of Cali? here... let me write a script for that....
  17. while completely idiotic on Williamson's behalf... it may be a minor thing but if your going to try and dunk on someone, you should probably have your ducks in a row. Wilson??
  18. i could be wrong but i believe them to be mostly from the Intelligence Committee's, 'investigation'. Collins demands Democrats postpone hearing after last-minute document transmission
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