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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. ahh but it is not a total waste, the Dems are going to pay dearly at the voting booth for it.
  2. i don't really consider this to be ironic that, on the very next day they offer up an article of impeachment based upon... abuse of power. more like it is moronic. https://twitter.com/GOPChairwoman/status/1204112550260092929
  3. ... The Inspector General’s report now makes clear that the FBI launched an intrusive investigation of a U.S. presidential campaign on the thinnest of suspicions that, in my view, were insufficient to justify the steps taken. ... - William Barr further... It is also clear that, from its inception, the evidence produced by the investigation was consistently exculpatory. Nevertheless, the investigation and surveillance was pushed forward for the duration of the campaign and deep into President Trump’s administration. In the rush to obtain and maintain FISA surveillance of Trump campaign associates, FBI officials misled the FISA court, omitted critical exculpatory facts from their filings, and suppressed or ignored information negating the reliability of their principal source. ... - William Barr
  4. we should all be rooting for transparency. shine light into all those dark crevices, what is to fear other then the exposure of right or wrong doing.
  5. just being objective here... and for full disclosure, i haven't found the time to read the report quite yet but just taking a synopsis of all items out and about. you are correct, the report says that there is no bias, just mistakes. all told, there were what, 17 of them that were large enough to warrant mention in the report. just my experience but mistakes tend to fall unpredictably and will point in all different directions. that all of these mistakes point only in one direction, call me a conspiracy theorist or paranoid but... they seem to point in the direction of having a bias. let us not forget that Horowitz is a life long Democrat. to think that had no bearing on the make up or conclusions of the report is juvenile in this setting. step outside of the main stream bull####. it is all a controlled dog and pony show, you are not going to find much truth there. Fox is but the other side of the controlled narrative.
  6. conflict of interest, you can't/shouldn't be allowed to investigate yourself.
  7. just looking through Goldman's twitter feed... for him to state that he is non partisan is a joke, he should be tried for perjury. 9am presser.
  8. i dunno.... once the horse has left the barn, it can be quite hard to get it back in in some instances. the 100th monkey is awakening.
  9. i think the Judiciary just scheduled an emergency meeting for the 11th. /sarcasm i still don't trust Lindsey and won't through whatever he is leading. i wish Grassley could take over the Senate Committee on the Judiciary Jan 1st 2020.
  10. @transplantbillsfan needs to watch this as i believe he would consider it, 'a respectable news source'.
  11. yeah... this is going to end well. Portland Could Start Forcing Apartment Owners To 'Make Room' For Homeless Campers 'Whether They Like It Or Not' New guidelines from Portland, Oregon's Planning and Sustainability Commission have sparked a major controversy in the city. Under a proposal introduced to the PSC on Nov. 12, the building design process would require owners to "provide opportunities" to the homeless population "to rest and be welcome." Many are interpreting the vague language—specifically the "rest and be welcome" requirements—as potentially forcing owners of new commercial and residential real estate to build "spaces" for homeless men and women to camp out on private property, even in apartment buildings. The idea was originally supported by members of the commission, but received strong pushback upon further discussion from a minority bloc who could still sink the proposal before it reaches the city council for approval. 'Whether they like it or not' "It is a plan that could require new Portland buildings to make room for homeless campers on private property whether they want to or not, KATU-TV news anchor Lincoln Graves said in describing the proposal ...
  12. just a question here before we get too far along in the threads... i don't know a whole lot about @BillsFanNC but an he be trusted not to delete the thread if it doesn't go the way he wants? again, i am not intending to disparage him/her in any way, i just know from past experience that this has happened before with certain posters and i don't want to lose the posterity this will contain.
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