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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. paraphrasing.. 'we determined that the FBI properly opened an investigation known as 'Crossfire Hurricane. said decision is also discretionary and within department discretion'.
  2. someone better ask him to explain that. however, i won't be surprised if no one does.
  3. prove you're better than being an amoeba then. be better.
  4. i have to admit, he is doing a yeoman's job of laying out the timeline.
  5. watching Horowitz take notes while Lindsey is pontificating is curious. is he going to correct Graham or reinforce his points?
  6. yeah, i can live without the narrative. i don't like when Schiffty or Nadler grandstand and i don't care for what Graham is doing either. put the man up for questioning, lets get on with it and hear the man's own words.
  7. thank you, that was the one i was looking for. i can't view it, why is it not on YouTube like the impeachment hearings were?
  8. it is truly sad what you have been reduced to. predictable but sad.
  9. in a nut shell.... JA wants everything to remain status quo because even though there is evil and corruption behind the scenes, it is all okay because they are our overlords and deserve to be above the rest of us. the major flaw in his thinking is that he doesn't understand that indentured servitude will only get progressively worse. he is the proverbial frog in the boiling pot of water... 'come on in, the water's fine'.
  10. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1204447853357215746
  11. i understand what is going on here... an attempt to make the Dems pay for their impeachment nonsense but what a total and complete shitshow. just pass the ***** thing already. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1204539760733241345
  12. ... speaking of mentally limited amoebas....
  13. i'm not worried so much about all the tweeting, my concerns lie with the potential commentary in this thread.
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