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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i for one am thankful that there was no resemblance, at all, to the shitshow we have seen in the House hearings of the last couple months. this was a mostly respectful display of decorum.
  2. time is not linear. it can exist in it's own bubble but it can't end/
  3. had the Dems taken that defiance to the courts, and the courts ruled in their favor they then would have a leg to stand on. they didn't, they don't.
  4. it is a valid legal debate as to whether you can be prosecuted for obstruction of a crime you didn't commit. if there isn't a crime, how can you obstruct it?
  5. i keep hearing that Horowitz found no texts or emails like Strok's and Page's in the higher echelons of the FBI decision makers. i'm thinking someone should ask him if they found any evidence (or absence thereof) of missing texts and emails.
  6. wtf are these idiot Dems doing trying to litigate impeachment in this hearing? Harris: why did you not investigate Guilani hello..............
  7. lol... Blumenthal trying to take credit for leading FISC reform. *************************************************************** lmao! Blumenthal: renewals were producing useful information. Horowitz: i don't know if i would term it that way Blumenthal: well, the warrants were producing information, right?
  8. my take from the hearing so far... and please, correct me if i am wrong here. taking care of a sick puppy, so may have conflated some... there was a proper predicate for opening the investigation, Crossfire Hurricane. even though the basis was based upon conversations in a bar that could possibly be considered talking out one's ass, otherwise known as bravado. and the first FISA was proper but renewals two, three and four were beyond corrupt.
  9. Whitehouse is a *****. trying to setup that Durham is basically outside the law.
  10. at least to me, Horowitz is coming across as even handed. he is not really pontificating but rather just responding to questions about what is actually in his report. every single time he is being prompted to make an opine with regard to having a possible bias, in one direction or another, he is refuting that push and simply referring back to the report. to me, that is important and shows he was being as neutral as is possible in the investigation. of course, this could change as it moves along but this is where i am at right now.
  11. FBI had no evidence to support the first or second application (even though they flipped the basis) for a FISA on Carter Page.
  12. i think he just clarified... no bias in the predicate of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane.
  13. lol. it is going to be interesting to see the Dem's angle of questioning here. it doesn't appear that Horowitz is leaving them much room for any claims they may have.
  14. good on Lindsey for trying to out the bias in this whole shitshow.
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