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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports/status/1205102819314950146
  2. this crap is never going to end if they keep settling. it needs to stop being about the money because there is an endless supply that we keep feeding them to allow them their misdeeds.
  3. Ted Lieu missing from the House Impeachment mark up hearing. apparently he is in the hospital with an emergency.
  4. wtf is this scumbag doing? https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1204850127313285121
  5. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1204819385870888961
  6. i wish he would have done the same with Schiff's report. https://twitter.com/ByronTau/status/1204801896751550464
  7. https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1204886835828121600 i'm thinking that the longer he was harangued by the Dems on the committee, the more willing he became to venture items that he might ordinarily not. as a result, i suspect that the left wing spin machine is going to begin treating him as a hostile enemy combatant. if he has to appear before congress again, they will be out for blood.
  8. yeah, thanks. i understand that. my impression of the tweet, and ultimately his testimony though is that it involved people at the FBI. remember, he was speaking from the scope of his purview. it may have been that he was not allowed to view former employees texts and emails. which even if that is the case, that is somewhat alarming still because those should be property of the FBI regardless of whether or not they are still employed. i'm taking his testimony that he didn't.
  9. https://twitter.com/seanmdav/status/1204810489571753984 ************************************************************************ so... he was not allowed to view all emails? hmmm...... https://twitter.com/MikayesFiona/status/1204802800649154570
  10. https://www.dailywire.com/news/sports-illustrated-model-brooks-nader-wears-see-through-dress-to-awards-show/
  11. https://twitter.com/NathanBrandWA/status/1204835809813245953
  12. @Tiberius would be proud! CNN Grilled For Refusing To Cover Opening Statements In Horowitz Testimony: ‘This Is Putin-Style Propaganda At Its Finest!’
  13. this ***** should be voted out of office. does anyone know if he is up for re-election in '20? trying to imply that a fraudulently obtained warrant was justified. https://twitter.com/NathanBrandWA/status/1204860154673614853
  14. not if you believe in the meta physical nature of it. also... you have probably already lived a future life
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