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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. let me ask you... do you think this teenager (who has missed how many days of school this year?) is informed enough to have a valid opinion? do you think she is being used as a pawn to push your preferred agenda?
  2. yup. there should be a clip of it later somewhere. just too funny that they don't even hear what they are saying. the disconnect is astounding.
  3. we know 'liawatha won't be holding up mayor Pete.
  4. being in a full employment economy, this will drive wages up.
  5. lol! Sheila Jackson-Lee : Biden was in Ukraine on official Policy .Trump was not on official policy.
  6. it is only being allowed because for one, it isn't going to change the outcome of the vote and second, it is for show. wake up.
  7. nope, sorry but do you honestly think having elected officials to swear not to take money is going to actually happen? i mean, sure they may swear not to but you can't actually believe they won't, at least i hope you wouldn't anyways. this is how we got where we are in the first place. i agree that there are groups and individuals who need to be heard. however... this is why we have a House of Representatives, to, represent. the. people., period. they have gotten so far away from what was intended it's not funny. the whole current system of a lobbyist needs to change. just a thought but, we can start by having forums where the elected Representatives can/have to attend and hear the concerns of groups and individuals... i know, we can call them Town Halls. what a great ***** idea! additionally, they should be required to hear them on a bi-monthly schedule if not monthly.
  8. i know but a man can dream. i mean... this is Cali we are talking about after all.
  9. lol, yeah... a handful of defections to the party line that is not going to change a damn thing... that'll show 'em gosh darn it! wake up.
  10. this asshat is up for re-election in '20. his malfeasance needs to be exposed so he can be voted out of office.
  11. holy *****. he just can't be serious. he doesn't have to schedule the hearing before the mark-up?? really???
  12. an office of oversight, outside of the government apparatus, would go a long way towards restoring faith in our elite, both elected and appointed. having government operated offices of oversight is simply not ideal due to the obvious conflict of interest that it presents.
  13. i've a feeling that the CFR is going to see some hard times in the days ahead.
  14. if they're in, they're out. kick the whole lot of them to curb and start over.
  15. ... says the 4 year old it only took you 20 minutes to do what you said you were not going to do. and you wonder why we think your a feck.
  16. 'https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1204982224883474432 https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1205102723135344640
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