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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. thank you for this. there is A LOT there and there is a reason why it has been swept under the rug. hopefully, this is all part of the coming reveal.
  2. dunno, just spitballin' here but... could it be that the existing tariffs have been so damaging to their economy, that they don't think they can absorb any new ones?
  3. i ask because i have some relation, tangentially, to what you quoted. what is it that you find interesting?
  4. do you have any thoughts on this or are you just tossing it to the wind?
  5. what you fail to see is that she is a spokesperson for a movement. what Trump did was to attack the movement. had she not positioned herself to be at the forefront of that political ideology, i doubt she would have been targeted. it's really not that hard to see/understand.
  6. hell yes i do. balanced trade. fair and legal immigration. rooting out human trafficking. going after pedophiles. re-instituting the rule of law. doing away with the two tiered justice system. there is a lot more but i'll let you stew on these for now.
  7. 23 ayes 17 nos on the first Article of Impeachment. 23 ayes 17 nos on the second Article of Impeachment strictly along party lines. floor vote in House on both articles most likely next Wednesday.
  8. lmao! these ***** just got handily exposed by the Horowitz report. however, they are now doubling down on their nonsense. is there a Johnson pee tape?? Britain needs its own Mueller report on Russian ‘interference’ an op-ed by Simpson and Fritsch
  9. yep, you got me... i was treating her like a slut by creating this thread stop... the stupidity...it hurts....
  10. i know i am in the minority here that think this, however.... until it is understood that both 'parties' are nothing more than just two different factions of the same 'party', no real change will be had. the levels of awareness by members of the party vary from useful idiots to puppet masters and everything between. useful idiots believe they are fighting for party ideals, whereas the puppet masters set the agendas to divide. the main stream media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the 'party', as you see with a controlled narrative from either side of the same viewpoint. it doesn't matter whether you are a politician or a journalist, if you aren't toeing the narrative, you are ostracized and marginalized to minimalize you and your thoughts. we, as a nation have become so fat in our largesse, i fear that the only way we will truly deviate from the plan the elite have for us is if/when stomach pains come into reality. this is the reason why i root for Trump. we have been presented with a chance that doesn't come along very often, a chance to marginalize the marginalizers. for it may very well be our only chance to have a peaceful revolution. if we are unsuccessful, it is going to get u.g.l.y.
  11. this res only 'calls' for the resignation and disbarment. yes, Congress can impeach all civil servants. however, it would be just what we see today. the House might impeach Barr but the Senate won't remove him. it is just more Dem horseshit.
  12. speaking of insane... H.Res.757 - Calling for the resignation and disbarment of United States Attorney General William P. Barr, and for other purposes.
  13. me thinks you give them waaaayyyyyy too much credit. i mean, you have been watching the shitshow, right?
  14. so... clothing defines whether you are a slut or not. and... because men treat someone a certain way, it is the others persons fault . good to know, you old Victorian *****.
  15. Tories picked up 66 seats and Labour lost 42 #landslide ? Election ResultConservatives win historic majority Live results 649 out of 650 seats have declared 326 seats needed for majority 364Con+66 203Lab-42 48SNP+13 11Lib Dem-10 23Others-27 UK Results Party standings Party Seats Gain Loss +/- Votes Share % +/- % Con 364 75 9 +66 13,941,200 43.6 +1.2 Lab 203 13 55 −42 10,292,054 32.2 −7.8 SNP 48 14 1 +13 1,242,372 3.9 +0.8 Lib Dem 11 3 13 −10 3,675,342 11.5 +4.2 DUP 8 0 2 −2 244,128 0.8 −0.1 Sinn Féin 7 1 1 0 181,853 0.6 −0.2 Plaid 4 0 0 0 153,265 0.5 −0 SDLP 2 2 0 +2 118,737 0.4 +0.1 Green 1 0 0 0 864,743 2.7 +1.1 Alliance 1 1 0 +1 134,115 0.4 +0.2 Brexit 0 0 0 0 642,303 2.0 0 UUP 0 0 0 0 93,123 0.3 +0.0 Ukip 0 0 0 0 22,817 0.1 −1.8 Change UK 0 0 5 −5 10,006 0.0 0 Other 0 0 23 −23 344,459 1.1 0
  16. exactly right. they also love to exploit them in other ways behind closed doors....
  17. if the Dems were smart, they would take notice of the elections in the UK. Conservatism is winning on a global scale. their far left progressive ideals are not what the overall population wants and is going to vote them out of existence if they continue in their coastal elitistism. additionally, if you are running against a balding man who tried to cover that spot by growing the hair around that spot long, that might be a sign your going to lose as well so you might want to save your ammo for another day.
  18. https://twitter.com/clairesandberg/status/1205209716143644674 https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1205247098641235968
  19. and there are probably more people equally informed on the other side of the equation that are far smarter than you or her. i suspect your being slightly disingenuous here. you are suggesting that you don't have a position here when it is readily apparent that you do. sure, if you are looking to produce a progressive activist. otherwise, not so much.
  20. Election LatestExit poll predicts Conservative win Exit poll forecast First result expected after 11.00pm 326 seats needed for majority 368Con+51 191Lab-71 55SNP+20 13Lib Dem+1 if they end up holding that many seats, Brexit will happen.
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