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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/BrexitBattalion/status/1205641986037964800
  2. https://twitter.com/RitaPanahi/status/1205682668576227328
  3. https://twitter.com/AliciaRMoore1/status/1205651634090643456
  4. second clip (though the first is good as well). https://twitter.com/AKA_RealDirty/status/1205678720603873280
  5. the fruits of the lib's wet dreams manifesting once more. https://twitter.com/KimStrassel/status/1205733609237172224
  6. seriously, do you have a severe case of ADHD or something? we were having a fine discussion until you avoided my post by moving the goal posts and creating a strawman. until you return and address the gist of that post, we are done here, plain and simple.
  7. me thinks you do not understand the meaning of the word, irony. or... what i meant by, 'a fool's errand'. happy Friday.
  8. https://twitter.com/RealBFolks/status/1205524351694430208
  9. https://twitter.com/almostjingo/status/1205605386159411200
  10. looks like you libs are going to have to wait six months... https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1205604512490237955 https://twitter.com/EpochTimes/status/1205613139556995076 https://twitter.com/ShannonBream/status/1205607607433662464
  11. it is not my place to venture why someone would dress a certain way, there may be plenty of reasons why someone might do, whatever they do. i don't do whyfores, that is a fools errand. my point is that by calling someone a slut, that is on you and your perceptions. doesn't mean she is a slut... yes, sure, she may be a slut but she may also not be. it could just be that she is trying to be avant garde or something else entirely, i do not know. social norms are being broken and redefined all the time. there was a day and time when if a woman didn't wear a corset, she may have been thought to be a slut (hence my Victorian reference), today... not so much (in fact, just the opposite may be true, today) . in America we are considered very prudish as opposed to say, France. step outside your biases. i am not saying dressing like that is right or wrong for where we are at in our collective consciousness. i would say however that perhaps, because of where we are at with the collective, that indeed we are not ready for things such as this... with the mindset that you are presenting as evidence to that end. let me ask you, do you think she dressed that way to be a slut? i happen to think she is beautiful, period.
  12. here's an idea... go back and start over. prove you know how to have proper civil discourse.
  13. why am i not surprised that you, once again/as always, create a strawman and attempt to move the goal posts instead of dealing with the contents of the post at hand. i was going compliment you earlier today for not being as much of a feck, of late, as your history shows you to be. i thought you were honestly trying to do/be better. alas, you have yet again proven that those are nothing more than fleeting moments. it really is too bad because i do think you to be somewhat intelligent and having an honest discussion not only benefits the participants but those around the periphery. glad i held my praise. do better, i have faith you can stretch these fleeting moments into longer stretches.
  14. how does this in any way address the question from DR? an attempt to move the goal posts and yell, Squirrel!?
  15. i believe that is under the sub header of, 'anger'.
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