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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i dunno... not long ago i was told this was fake news...
  2. can i call you cornpop?
  3. yes, i understood that mostly second stringers started but they were replaced at various stages throughout the game to the point where it was the third team against our first by the start of the second half. of course, as i get older my memory is not what it used to be so i may be conflating this with another game.
  4. so wait.... you mean to tell me that the morbidity rate is .5%? on par with the seasonal flu? that would more than likely be even lower had we not contaminated of nursing homes by knowingly sending infected people there. and we wrecked a historic economy in the process? who would have guessed it. #hoax #DemConspiracy #evil https://twitter.com/ClayTravis/status/1277032351588106240
  5. along with three quarters of the states. this is how the Constitution is changed.
  6. 'morning tibs. but... the death rate is static, it is not really rising. this is a good thing, herd immunity.
  7. oh, i would say that the Left is leading the way. encouraging all those Antifa protests is not going to look good for them when push comes to shove.
  8. apparently i missed where Cuomo apologized to all those families of elderly patients that died because of his policy of sending Covid-19 positives to the nursing home where their elderly parent resided and subsequently caught the virus and died... could you please give me a link where he admitted that was a mistake, (and potentially criminal) i would greatly appreciate it. TYIA
  9. huh.. my memory was that we lost to a bunch of mostly third stringers.
  10. yep, kind of why i mentioned it.
  11. https://twitter.com/MrHandsALPHA/status/1276649693926305797
  12. considering the atmosphere today, it is the party that rules. independent voices/votes don't mean much.
  13. i'll be very surprised if Biden's VP choice doesn't come from a swing state, with carrying that state in mind.
  14. my question is... did Rex even coach when he was here? it sure as hell didn't seem like it.
  15. no disrespect intended, however.. even Stevie T's has better plates.
  16. says the idiot with no understanding of what he reads.
  17. me thinks you have no reading comprehension. from her website that incidentally was linked: Representing the District of Columbia. care to try again?
  18. they do have representation. Elenor Holmes Norton, is is their Representative, albeit without voting abilities.
  19. considering that the Senate was devised to represent the states, yes. the House represents the people which is why Cali has many more Reps than Wyo. don't confuse nor try to equate the two, each has their function.
  20. but, but... just for you
  21. https://twitter.com/Coach_Devaney/status/1276613435283738624
  22. and you suppose that the way you worded that post is just fine.
  23. all you need to know about just how... Democrat this stupid idea is, is that... even if the new state becomes a reality, wait for it..... there will still be a District of Columbia. i ***** you not, let that sink in for a moment. yes, that's right, so next year or at some point in the future when the masses have caught onto their madness and put them out of power, they can pass another bill calling for DC to become a state. rinse and repeat until there are as many states as needed for their silly plans to give them the control they desire, forever.
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