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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. he doesn't exactly say he won't testify. he just regurgitates his oft cited mantra that he is not a fact witness. should be queued up at the relevant portion. https://youtu.be/iaBQFtH1b4E?t=1970
  2. https://twitter.com/MaxAbrahms/status/1206092237752418305
  3. the narrative is collapsing https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/1206009083200847873
  4. https://twitter.com/JasonMillerinDC/status/1205930109628243969
  5. not sure where to put this, should probably have a thread dedicated to cartels being terrorist organizations... https://twitter.com/robertrarce/status/1205785522695630849
  6. it may be nothing but.... https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1206060235628175360
  7. yep... everyone wins but unfortunately, we all lose. participation trophies for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. oh, i agree that it is unlikely... in a sane world. i'm just not sure we reside there. when one half of an entity is delusional to the extent that it borders upon insanity, i don't think it too far fetched to think that portions of the other side of that same entity does not suffer from some form of the same dementia.
  9. “The main principle of Groupthink is this: The more amiability there is among the members of a policy-making group, the greater the danger that independent thinking will be replaced by Groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and dehumanizing actions directed at outgroups” -Irving Janis
  10. to my way of thinking, there is at least some validity to this line of thinking. when you consider that Trump is a threat to the entire establishment and not just the Dems, it just makes sense.
  11. it is interesting to see that CBS may be the first cracks in delusional based MSM reporting.
  12. my fear as well. https://twitter.com/paulsperry_/status/1205912146338603008
  13. at the meme https://twitter.com/MrDiddy85/status/1205619467113390082
  14. seriously though, auto bill pay is the way most companies operate today, that is just the way of things. for me and speaking strictly from my perspective, i love the auto pay option. i don't have to sit down, write a check, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it and either take it to the post office or put it in the mailbox. nor do i have to log into the companies website every single month, for each and every service i utilize, and manually pay. god forbid if i don't have the site automatically retain the card and/or my personal information. as a result, somewhere along the way i have found it useful to log into my banking institutions website once a month to view any and all charges. this has served a two fold purpose. i am now better informed about the status of my account and all charges to it and it just saves so much time, it's not funny.
  15. you do have rights. it's called canceling.
  16. https://twitter.com/realmajordan/status/1205808473667231746
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