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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. we need a thread for the 2020 (non presidential) elections... https://twitter.com/guypbenson/status/1207000754663374848
  2. question.. can you, as an illegal immigrant in, oh say.... Mexico, get a drivers license?
  3. this rules hearing is just more posturing. members of the committee are using it as a platform to pontificate rather than doing the work they should be doing. it's disgraceful how polarized our elected officials are.
  4. for context, this is the tweet that DeBlasio chose to mouth off at... https://twitter.com/SpoxDHS/status/1206712487686660097
  5. again, if he is hiding evidence... it is a matter for the Supreme Court. the wheels of justice are slow for a reason. what does it matter if he is using it as a delaying tactic (a democrat talking point used to justify their position of not taking it to the courts btw)? there is a prescribed course of action. just because the left wants to sideline it does not in any way give validity to their chosen course of action. if he gets re-elected, so what, if the Dems are right, he would be removed. their narrative that they have to do this because blah, blah, blah is nothing more than weaksauce.
  6. i'm not sure. however, i think if/when you submit a plea of guilt, you forfeit (or are severely limited in scope) any ability you otherwise would normally possess to appeal the conviction and sentence.
  7. i'm sorry but that is not how it works. it is up to either the Executive branch or the Legislative branch to submit the dispute to the Judiciary (not solely the Chief Justice). the Judicial can not insert itself of it's own volition. additionally, i really, really do not think the Dems would want a Constitutional Convention opened up. they should seriously think long and hard about that one....
  8. the only thing that would make this better would be if they had a split screen with Nancy's facial expressions.
  9. no. when there is a dispute between the two branches of government, it is up to the third branch, in this case the Judiciary to settle the dispute.
  10. see, there you go again, typing before thinking. no one is making anyone do anything. it is all about freedom of choice. i understand that is a foreign concept to you in your little communist world, however that does not change reality.
  11. sorry to break the news to you but... incandescent bulbs are coming back. maybe they will help you finally see the light....
  12. ICE agents are federal employees, no? they should go round 'em up. ***** Andrew.
  13. so... if i understand this correctly, ***** u schumer wants to call his witnesses but doesn't want Repubs to call any witnesses. in what god forsaken reality do these dimwits reside? i say let both sides call whatever witnesses they want and let the cards fall where they may. let the truth out or at least let any and all questions thereof, that might be the truth out so it can be examined in the light. what are the Dems afraid of? lets make this whole thing into an examination of all things 2016 related so we can once and for all put it behind us and move forward with correcting the wrongs. Schumer says he wants impeachment trial focused on facts, not 'conspiracy theories,' as he balks at GOP calling witnesses
  14. https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1206692767403053058
  15. released in the middle of the night last night... Judiciary Committee impeachment report alleges Trump committed 'multiple federal crimes' President Donald Trump committed criminal bribery and wire fraud, the House Judiciary Committee alleges in a report that will accompany articles of impeachment this week. The report, a 169-page assessment of the case for Trump’s removal from office, contends that Trump committed “multiple federal crimes” — ones that Democrats addressed under the broad umbrella of “abuse of power,” the first article of impeachment against the president. ... ... Democrats emphasized that proving a criminal violation is not required to justify impeachment. “The Framers were not fools. They authorized impeachment for a reason, and that reason would have been gutted if impeachment were limited to crimes,” the report states. ...
  16. this is ***** up. didn't think i would see anything like this in this thread... https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1206678881325002756
  17. the Jags had a window of opportunity and it has all but evaporated.
  18. i'd tell 'im that the House should have filed with the court to get resolution. in fact, they still have that opportunity.
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