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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. good on Collins for disputing that everyone agrees with the facts. cut them off at the knees.
  2. Biden still thinks he is the vice president. what's that tell you?
  3. right. this is why all of the current Democrat candidates are distancing themselves as far away from him as possible.
  4. no, the Democrats for Trump are just a tad better than your ilk.
  5. somethings you just can't make up ... i just found out that Nadler's full name is; Jerrold Lewis Nadler Jerry Lewis?? clown show is ***** right.
  6. https://twitter.com/SDResponse/status/1207104132349341696
  7. if this doesn't just say it all, i don't know what else does. also, i seriously doubt Nadler had a family emergency yesterday which caused him not to be there for the questioning of the Rules Committee. Nadler is a toad and would not have stood up well to the pressure of any sort of questioning. fecks, all of them. https://twitter.com/rreactor/status/1207297335446921218
  8. i mean... these handlers are just so ***** stupid. they don't think that having the same talking points spread all over is anything but a dead giveaway? the same is true of the whole shitshow in Congress, when they all regurgitate the same talking points, is there any doubt what is going on?
  9. he was a total and complete *****stick yesterday. how this guy is a Representative is a sham. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1207090274628825088
  10. https://twitter.com/RitaPanahi/status/1207185022458814465
  11. and that should tell you that the issue of 'conflict of interest' is real. the inmates have always been running the asylum.
  12. and a hundred years from now, the answer will still be the same. you and your ilk got him elected.
  13. that Madcow even has an audience might validate any thinking along those lines.
  14. right. any and all of their premises need to be cut off at the knees, not doing so gives rise to anything else they might say and/or do.
  15. that you misread my post. it had absolutely nothing to do with having a Mexican drivers license in the US.
  16. just listening to the whole rules committee hearing today, it yet again strikes me. time after time i hear the Dems try to get the Repubs to admit that if 'this and this, then that'. as an example... Scanlon keeps trying to get Collins to say that if Trump has delayed aid to Israel to get a personal, political favor, would that have been an abuse of power. what i fail to hear from the Repubs is what should be the basis of their argument against any such, 'this and this then that' argument... the understanding of a 'favor' that you Dems want to put forward is not, in any way agreed with. instead they play the Dems game by lending validity to any of their 'this and this' argument. that argument needs to be undercut because the underlying premise of all their arguments are flawed in concept.
  17. https://twitter.com/julie_kelly2/status/1207046715838255106
  18. https://twitter.com/jane__bradley/status/1207047124598345728
  19. i was wondering if the FISC would have any public reaction. glad to see that they do they cannot be very happy with how they look in all of this.
  20. it was disgusting. it is somewhat ironic that he was actually impeached and removed from the judiciary.
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