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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. or... https://twitter.com/3Days3Nights/status/1207535748607553536
  2. they all probably know that if they didn't vote with the party that they would have lost all Dem funding and most likely would have been primaried as well. i posted this before but now the conditions are perfect for him to do so. if they wanna play, let's play. https://twitter.com/3Days3Nights/status/1207535748607553536
  3. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1207421127481577476
  4. what a ***** clownshow these idiots are running. do they not realize that this move would invalidate their argument that they have to impeach him so that he doesn't have foreign interference in the '20 election? idiots.
  5. to be honest, it really doesn't matter what has or hasn't been proven to me. my statement is/was all about what should happen.
  6. i wish Collins would call ol' Nads out about reading his staff/lawyer prepared notes.
  7. i know it will never happen because of the threat Trump presents to the deep state but... it would be nice to bring it all out in the open. all dismissing the articles is going to do is to further divide the country. the sepsis of the elite is ruining the country. the sooner we confront it head on, the sooner we will be able to deal with it and put it behind us and move on.
  8. i do believe this settles the bet between @transplantbillsfan and myself. https://twitter.com/MatthewFairburn/status/1207103855529537536 for a period of one year, you can make no prognostications of any sort. i have no desire to muzzle you, that is/was not my intent. statements such as, 'I think we win' or even, 'I have a good feeling about this game' and the like are completely okay. to get technical about it, you can probably say anything you want as long as you word it the right way. however, i am not going to stalk you to make sure you abide by the outline of the bet, i just expect you to be true to the nature of it. i had really wished i lost the bet because, well... Go Buffalo! cheers
  9. i am not in any way in favor of this. the only thing this does is to allow the Dems to cry about it being unfair and to pontificate that, 'yes, Trump was impeached, but for the partisanship of the Senate, he would have been removed'. it only serves to continue to let them divide the country. what needs to happen is to have a completely open trial. both sides call all the witnesses they want. the only way to bury this is to let the light shine and bear it all before the American public.
  10. just to reiterate... Jerry Lewis is nothing more than a tool. if anyone is watching the debate on the Articles, you can't help but notice that every time ol' Nads tries to refute something a most previously recognized Representative has said.. more often than not, he is reading words from the paper in front of him that his staff member/lawyer wrote. sad disgrace.
  11. gotcha, wasn't exactly sure to which you were referring. to my way of viewing, Jerry Lewis' claim was more comical.
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