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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i guess you are correct. https://twitter.com/surfandturfpod/status/1208878949935259654?s=19
  2. i think the Bears need to win tonight as well for Oakland to have that chance.
  3. all of which could easily happen. they needed a bunch of dominos to fall their way today which did as well.
  4. im'a go out on a limb here and say that the primary reason we lost is because they had more points than we did.
  5. it's about damn time someone called it for what it is.
  6. just watching the after game shows, it occurred to me and i haven't read the entire thread but... would Cowher qualify?
  7. there was also the play where Brady was tackled short of the goal line in where he attempted to 'throw' his shoulder at the tackler after the tackle was complete. class act he is.
  8. nevermind. you most certainly can choose to continue to reside in the land of make believe, many do so.... your equation of the two diametrical points is baffling.
  9. correct and exactly what i am saying, you can never know with any amount of certainty in the land of shoulda/woulda/coulda. lol, this is an altogether different argument. almost time to go enjoy some Sunday football, cheers
  10. again, it is a bit illogical. if any play had changed in the course of the game, the subsequent action would have changed as well. it is a non starter, you can never know with any certainty what the outcome would have been.
  11. then that should be your argument. not a presumption of what would have happened.
  12. then it would have been a different game. in the land of shoulda/woulda/coulda, the whole basis is thrown for a loop. again, that is not how any of this works.
  13. the hot takes are pretty comical at this point. we are 10-5, clinched a playoff berth with 3 games to go in the regular season, had an outside shot at the division title and the number 2 seed. in the 5 loses, we have only not been in only one of them (Eagles). the other 4 loses we were within one score. 2 of those one score games came against the number 1 defense in the league. another came against the number 6 defense. the blow out loss was against another top 10 D. we have beaten 3 top ten defenses and another in the top 15 (who, btw, was top 10 when we played them). all this in the second year of Josh Allen (of whom, has led 5 fourth quarter drives to take the lead in a game this year) and just the third year overall of this administration. slow your roll.
  14. thread: origins. https://twitter.com/The_War_Economy/status/1208469501307760640
  15. https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1208348910223269888
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