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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. tax return line 4: if you can not remit the line 3 amount, your offspring will suffice.
  2. i'm not a big conspiracy theorist when it comes to officiating, though i do think that there can be a bias. even if it is unconscious. my comment was not directed specifically towards Gilmore (in know, that's what the discussion was centered around where i interjected myself into said conversation), more towards certain other situations that just stuck out like a sore thumb. the non call for intentional grounding on Brady was probably the most egregious of the night. there has to be a way where calls so obvious as this are rectified in that moment. that there is a limitation on what calls are subject to review, is to me attacking the problem from the wrong angle. however that is the subject of a totally different discussion. and just to bring it back to the discussion that was at hand a bit, i do think it is hard to be objective on subjective calls (such as pass interference) when the standard changes so greatly from one officiating crew to the next. how is one to have an accurate understanding of the baseline when this is the case? the other, "event" that was rightly noticed by the refs and corrected, was the game clock situation. i have seen these types of things in other games as well but the time lapse in the Pats game Saturday was especially foul. and given the Pats track record of things they are, both rightfully and wrongfully associated with, it doesn't sit well.
  3. to be fair, there were some.... out of the norm "happenstance" events, in Saturday's game that favored the Pats.
  4. that chart doesn't disprove his contention. it only catalogs the times he was penalized.
  5. i'll take it you weren't very naughty then
  6. oh, don't worry you're not offending me as i am not the religious type. i am speaking more for those who are. just give it a rest today, okay?
  7. in Paganism it is, but not necessarily so with Christians. again, you have 364 other days of the year to argue your point, why pick gnats where you know it would be offensive on this particular day?
  8. why ya gotta feel like you have to ***** on the thread? it's Christmas, live and let live my man.
  9. Corporations Brought Back $1 Trillion From Overseas Due to Trump Tax Plan For decades before President Donald Trump’s tax plan took effect, U.S. corporations with foreign subsidiaries had no (sane economic) choice but to keep their overseas profits abroad. After all, they’d face double taxation if they wanted to bring them home. Their profits were already taxed by the foreign country they’re operating in, and then to repatriate those funds would’ve required them to pay the U.S. corporate tax rate, which was then among the highest in the world. By year end 2017, right before Trump signed his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), upwards of $2.5 trillion in cash was parked overseas. The TCJA reduced the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, but offered extra incentives to repatriate cash. After all, we’d rather have that money in America for economic reasons regardless of how much the government can get their hands on. The Trump tax law allowed corporations to repatriate cash at a discounted 15.5% tax rate, and a reduced 8% rate to repatriate other assets that are non-cash or illiquid. While estimates differ on how much cash was parked overseas pre-TCJA, between 40% and 66% has made its way back to America. ...
  10. while Fox may have the number 1 rated primetime viewership, if you add MSNBC's and CNN's together, they out do or at the very least, equal what Fox gets. additionally, let's not forget that every single nightly news network program (the 6 o'clock news) far out paced any single cable show on Fox. not to mention that all three network news programs are decidedly liberal in their narrative. the Conservative presence on Twitter is but a fraction of the entire Liberalverse there as well.
  11. the question though is whether the cause is due to human activity. there is simply not enough empirical evidence to conclusively state one way or the other.
  12. a Christmas Carol past: present: future:
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ht5RZpzPqw
  14. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1209530697142026240
  15. i tried it but i didn't get any SNL results at all. YouTube filters their results on a per individual basis so that term will return different results for everyone. with that said, i'm not sure what the return on my search says....
  16. this was back in the day... was fighting with my girlfriend at the time so my attention was not completely on the road. all of a sudden the gumballs start going off in the rearview, so i pull over. all the while the old lady was completely off the reservation. i mean she was so unhinged that she didn't know why I stopped the van even though I said we were getting pulled over. once the van stopped, she hopped out of the passenger side and proceeded to lay into me. i had had quite enough at that point so i too jumped out and we started really going at it. not really sure what happened but i think the cop just felt bad for me and after he had calmed the old lady down he told me to take her home. i still have absolutely no idea what he even pulled me over for.
  17. did you really have to desecrate this thread?
  18. i suppose the history books will call CWII, "The Fight Against Idiocracy".
  19. the half life for various nuclear fuels range anywhere from 30 years to 24000 years. i don't know that i would call that relatively safe.
  20. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all my PPP idiots. it is my genuine hope that you and yours enjoy this festive time of year and receive all of the hope and promise that comes along with it. all political animosity and disagreements aside, love you guys. you rock!
  21. that's only because all the attempts prior have not been done right. amiright??? huh huh??
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