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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. he's an idiot. there's no exoneration if he isn't removed??
  2. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1210372224152154117
  3. yes. in the world of thirty-one flavors, you cant delineate specific ethnicities. get with the times, sheesh!
  4. https://twitter.com/KatTheHammer1/status/1209978427148787713
  5. https://twitter.com/Solmemes1/status/1210378952042336256
  6. Houston can't get to the third seed if the Titans get in.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfPdYYsEfAE&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kELDEdMbkyg&feature=emb_logo
  8. https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1210334540050423815
  9. this is rich... https://twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1210338758312288257
  10. i'm thinkin' of the, It's a Wonderful Life' scene where George is presented with how Bedford Falls (Seneca Falls) would have progressed had he never lived. i'm thinkin' Pelosiville and the like would have fared much better had they not fallen into the Dems clutches.
  11. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1210279228555616257 https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1210279845919412230
  12. speaking of bosom buddies https://twitter.com/CaloriesProper/status/1209602149237301250 but you know... Baskin and Robbins 31 flavors of gender... liberal horseshit, Green New Deal and any other progressive baloney you can think of...
  13. Trump needs to retweet this and @tag ol' Nancy with it. https://twitter.com/marklevinshow/status/1210188212884389888
  14. https://twitter.com/RealSLokhova/status/1210202840238563330 #moderndaywatergate
  15. https://twitter.com/fleccas/status/1210246859400392704
  16. then how did Kevin find the lobby? maybe they cut the lobby out too...
  17. First chip-to-chip quantum teleportation harnessing silicon photonic chip fabrication ... Scientists from the University of Bristol, in collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), have successfully developed chip-scale devices that are able to harness the applications of quantum physics by generating and manipulating single particles of light within programmable nanoscale circuits. These chips are able to encode quantum information in light generated inside the circuits and can process the "quantum information" with high efficiency and extremely low noise. ... ...In one of the breakthrough experiments, researchers at the University of Bristol's Quantum Engineering Technology Labs (QET Labs) demonstrate the quantum teleportation of information between two programmable chip for the first time, which they remark is a cornerstone of quantum communications and quantum computing. ...
  18. an opine on my greatest fear that they are running a long con on Trump (and us). The Great Cover Up
  19. Dershowitz's opinion on the sham Democrats Debate Whether Trump Has Been Impeached
  20. location is 'relevant'. 'specially if you happen to be downwind of an 'event'.
  21. Du hast mich gefragt und ich hab nichts gesagt Willst du bis der Tod uns scheidet Treue sein für alle Tage
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