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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. The Big Lebowski obviously Joel and Ethan Cohen
  2. make your calendars. Jan 8th might be the day it all starts in earnest. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1210694385999810560
  3. https://twitter.com/toddstarnes/status/1210959209766031360
  4. i can't find the thread about Kraft in the massage parlor via the search function so, i plunk this here... https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1211012202838315008
  5. https://twitter.com/RadGeekpartduex/status/1210986392639160320
  6. you're not referring to that completely, epically stupid show, Naked and Afraid are you? holycrap what a show concept.
  7. please have your wife complete a safety course. i don't know just how powerful an electric chainsaw is but cutting trees down and even just the plain use of a chainsaw can be extremely dangerous.
  8. what i really want to see is one not manipulated by those behind a curtain in a smoke filled room. i know i am off topic a bit but...we do have one such upon the world stage, right now, at this very moment. however, TPTB are doing their utmost to gain control and place all kinds of regulations therein so they can control it. i understand the need for some forms of regulation to protect Joe and Betty Six-pack but there doesn't need to be what they are doing to it. things really need to find their natural equilibrium.
  9. all cowry shells aside... i think that if/when the rejection of the USD comes, it will be for a 'basket of currencies' or possibly, a 'revolving basket of currencies'. i think the world has come to understand that assigning such a lofty status upon one such currency lends an unfair balance to the financial nature of things. again though, the entire fiat perspective relies 100% on confidence and acceptance. with that said, predicting just where consciousness will focus is a fools errand. one other thing i do believe though is that if/when the USD becomes rejected as the world's defacto currency, at that point, we will begin to see a bifurcated dollar. all of which is based upon the world moving away from the USD, not the rising of another.
  10. you should have seen him live, he was simply a genius. i don't know that i would equate him to Carlin level genius but he deserves to be mentioned in the same breath in my opinion.
  11. #moderndaywatergate thread https://twitter.com/nykr59/status/1210552718831443973
  12. i never listened to Imus, my mom used to though so i knew somewhat about the controversies that surrounded him. was a little disappointed to see the ticker on ESPN (watching a rerun of the LSU/Alabama game) note his passing with not one but two mentions of these controversies with the mentions being derogatory. being a ***** or not, i don't think that is how we treat the dead in the mention of a passing.
  13. do we live in a computer generated hologram?
  14. @John Adams this is why you climate nazi's are mostly ignored. an inconvenient truth. https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/1210645557749964800
  15. dun, dun.... dunnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Cali strikes yet again. https://twitter.com/AndrewPollackFL/status/1210596428009164800 i'll let you read the article to find out what the reasoning behind it is... California public schools can’t suspend students for disobeying teachers, new law says SACRAMENTO (KRON) — New laws taking effect in 2020 will impact schools across California. Starting next school year, it will be illegal for public schools in the state to suspend students in first through fifth grade for willfully defying teachers or administrators. Then, from 2021 through 2025, it will be temporarily extended to kids in grades six through eight. ...
  16. there may be a slightly different perspective to view this from. if/when the US Dollar loses world reserve status, it will be because a bloc of nations have chosen to look to another for trading purposes, not that another has emerged, is how it will begin. of course the problem will be the confidence and stability of that particular reserve. there have been many attempts at this and there will continue to be many more.
  17. You may ask yourself What is that beautiful house? You may ask yourself Where does that highway go to? And you may ask yourself Am I right? Am I wrong? And you may say yourself "My God! What have I done?"
  18. of course, it's all champagne and caviar until then. this is also why cryptos are presently being set up, to make the transition as smooth as possible.
  19. i think QE(almost)Infinity pretty much made the argument for the, 'deficits don't matter' perspective. we are almost doing it again, today with the liquidity that is being injected into the banks.
  20. i don't see how AB could sign the declarations and warrants section. his mental condition is often triggered by mental stresses.
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