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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. the Redskins are going to regret not reuniting him with his brother.
  2. umm...... how is it that we can paint such a horrid picture with... pictures?
  3. https://twitter.com/joelpollak/status/1212110923214667776
  4. please change the thread title to, "There ...". i'm normally not the spelling police and could generally care less but, it just looks bad for anyone perusing the titles. or is it, "they're"... i kid, i kid...
  5. there were more than a handful that were pretty good.
  6. i don't know that Kitchens was Dorsey's hire, may very well have been. just seems that Baker hired Kitchens more than anything.
  7. i'm old enough to remember when it was the GM who chose the coach and not the other way around.
  8. seriously. Browns meeting with GM Dorsey; job status in doubt
  9. i won't pretend to venture as to what it is that you believe to be corrupt, as that would be a fools errand. however common sense says that the morals and values of Christianity are what has driven the western world to where it is today. not to mention that they are widely believed to be just and right. whether or not those leaders actually follow those values is a different discussion and not one that is argued very well if that article is your supporting argument.
  10. why should he read past a headline or understand what a headline even said?
  11. The Economist has always had it's way of predicting the coming year via their cover, this year being no different.
  12. https://twitter.com/ArthurSchwartz/status/1212035828219858945
  13. as seen on the interwebs... a second Trump term will usher in a new Roaring 20's.
  14. fun to revisit some of the 'predictions' here.
  15. it's fine here but that would be the 'Deadpool' thread.
  16. predict what you think this new year will bring. specifics will help and are desired. will Durham's criminal investigation actually find any dirt on the intelligence community/Obama Administration or will they be swept under the rug to protect the status quo? will the be any prosecutions as a result of the Durham criminal investigation? if so, how many and who? will the House actually deliver the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial or will they hold them to as a ploy to win the Senate back? will the Senate trial remove Trump? will Trump win re-election? will the Dems take back the Senate, effectively neutering Trump should he win re-election? will Trump face impeachment again? will the swamp be drained in a meaningful way? will Pelosi be removed as Speaker of the House or will Ocasio-Cortez take over in a coup attempt? does Schumer legally change his name to ***** U. Schumer? does Adam Schiff face any blow back for his many proven lies? does Nadler eat his way off the Judiciary Chairmanship? who is the Dems candidate for President? who is the candidates VP selection? will more corruption of the Dem hierarchy be exposed, ala 2016? does Bernie get a fourth house and sail off in the sunset? will someone be arkansacided for it? will Russia again be the boogeyman? will there be claims of voting irregularities? will the Dems run an end around the Constitution and abolish the Electoral College? does RBG last the year on the Supreme Court? will Amy Barrett be nominated to replace her? will the Dems advance claims that she is a rapist? does the populace begin to push back against the establishment in a more vocal way? does the establishment outlaw the people's news? are the elected elite and appointed bureaucrats ostracized in public thereby making going out potentially dangerous for them? is this the year the civil war erupts with shooting in the streets? does Brexit actually happen? will other countries follow Britain's lead and strive to leave the EU? does the EU, as an entity, collapse? what about other areas out side of the political realm? will there be a big earthquake that kills thousands of people? more mass public shootings? how many? unicorns and rainbows fill the air? how much more snow will western NY receive, early/late Spring? will the Bills make the AFC Championship game and do they win it? does Allen improve further in his third year??
  17. what i would like to know is, since we weren't supplying the Uke's with weapons, just what exactly was the 'billion dollars' Biden threatened to withhold supposed to buy? that's an awful lot of blankets for that price.
  18. Patriots ready to start 'Revenge Tour' against Titans
  19. i remember through much of the 90's, on conservative talk radio, there was much talk about the Clintons selling the Chinese our military secrets.
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