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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. yep, my post was directed at you. you'd be pretty foolish to think tectonic weapons haven't been tried.
  2. i think you should probably change your tampon. maybe use a douche to clean up afterwards.
  3. nah, that would have been a dead giveaway. much better to use the same address for 23,994 people.
  4. this is just incredible. https://twitter.com/mamendoza480/status/1214400685644513280
  5. 24 hour rule with this as well. i would not have posted it if he wasn't a blue check mark. https://twitter.com/WalidPhares/status/1214640469331922945
  6. ? considering their leaders have being running in circles for 4 years now... https://twitter.com/Harlan/status/1214621138548080646
  7. 24 hour rule here. https://twitter.com/Raman_Ghavami/status/1214583844130701315 https://twitter.com/IdeologyWars/status/1214657968811249665
  8. sure, this is today. just wait till tomorrow when the next bit of 'news' comes out to sway those they need to vote for Nancy.
  9. help me out here... just what exactly is a, "democratic foreign policy"? TYIA also, voting and making laws are natural rights, yes. as long that is, as they do not abridge constitutional rights.
  10. https://twitter.com/Turcotte_JPT/status/1214576784068534275
  11. https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/1214543003416702976
  12. thank you. i also do not know with any certainty whether Hezbollah uses cultural centers to store command centers, train and house terrorists and/or to store munitions. however with that being said, i do remember it being pretty widely reported some time ago that Hamas used hospitals, schools and mosques to do exactly that in Palestine. as such, i don't think it a giant leap to think that other Iranian proxies would do the same. these are, after all, terrorist organizations who, due in large part to their diminutive stature, fight in asymmetrical ways to take away the advantage afforded to better equipped/organized militaries. many reasons why they would do this but first and foremost is so that these installations are hard targets in the world of public perception. this is exactly why Hamas, as a practice, shoots rockets from residential areas. it may have been a stupid thing for the President to say and i know many think he just spouts off at the mouth but i believe he was alluding to the fact that there are cultural centers being used for these purposes. and, i'm not saying they are but if indeed they are, all political correctness aside, then they are legitimate targets.
  13. no, you did not answer the question. what you did was to create your own strawman and proceed to attempt to kill it. that is simply not being genuine. as you attempted to do here, in this subsequent response. i have the utmost respect for you, sherpa but my disagreement with you here has nothing to do with anything outside of the question that was asked and avoided. i shall ask it again, it really is pretty simple. two questions of which a simple yes or no to answer them is required. whereby opining after the fact in support of the direct answer is always acceptable in courteous discourse. "are you saying that Hezbollah and their ilk are not using cultural centers to house/train terrorists? nor are they using them for command control centers or to store ammunition?" also, not surprising @John Adams elected to not answer it but to tag along with your response.
  14. that is all well and good. however, you answered without answering the question.
  15. right... it's the camels, stupid. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1214531659464400896
  16. are you saying that Hezbollah and their ilk are not using cultural centers to house/train terrorists? nor are they using them for command control centers or to store ammunition? to use one of your lines... think before you answer.
  17. because that is exactly what he said. oye! what is wrong with responsible forestry management?
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