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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. https://twitter.com/StateDept/status/1216092044713742336?s=19
  2. i would like to see a ground game coordinator plugged in along with possibly a new Oline coach. too many times this year we just looked lost in the run game. especially when we needed to run the ball and impose our will, we couldn't really do it. let Daboll continue to coordinate the offense but have the specialist devise the ground attack. maybe then we will be able to develop an identity.
  3. https://twitter.com/Doranimated/status/1216091791713275910
  4. it's settled science damnitall!!!!! shhh... but it's man made....
  5. even if Flynn did lie, it can't come close to what a prosecution lie would be.
  6. i would venture that what McCabe did was 10 times worse. https://twitter.com/johncardillo/status/1215984408819269632
  7. shameless. https://twitter.com/Maryamshariatm/status/1216026783230889984
  8. this looks to be a pretty substantial crowd. https://twitter.com/Global_Mil_Info/status/1216061427133403136 thread. if correct, it appears that protests in at least five cities has broken out. https://twitter.com/Doranimated/status/1216027109719781378
  9. from the files of... 'you just can't make this ***** up', comes the following. https://twitter.com/realDailyWire/status/1215750684269637632 what i want to know is... who had the job of getting the fragrance just right.....
  10. as seen on the interwebs... metronomes used Neil as a time keeper.
  11. https://twitter.com/msbizz73/status/1215351410780528640
  12. second tweet. thread https://twitter.com/COsweda/status/1215813596011061248 https://twitter.com/COsweda/status/1215816140494004225
  13. it wasn't a good week for CNN. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1215972401617477638 curious however that the settlement on this is reported while the Sandman settlement was kept private.
  14. An 18-carat gold nugget made of plastic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0xgiVXoSmE&feature=emb_logo
  15. i think the torch of the unquestioned greatest living drummer now resides firmly with Danny Carey. RIP Neil. we were fortunate you found your calling.
  16. a little confused here... the US captured the Iraqi National Security Adviser in Bagdad? doesn't make sense unless this guy an really an Iranian plant?
  17. question.. do you believe rock has died?
  18. you may be tired of those words but those are the people who built this nation of ours. the tireless men and who get up every single day. put their boots on and go to work, expelling blood, sweat and tears and of whom do it gladly. i think it is a very apropos word to describe our beloved Bills as it perfectly embodies what they are all about. to each their own, i guess.
  19. fascinating thread that with many sub-threads and links. you could fall down this rabbit hole for quite some time if you wanted. https://twitter.com/Avery1776/status/1215425233219465217
  20. i would love to see this. simply because of all the dysfunction it would create with two teams.
  21. i dunno but he damn well better have gotten Dion something!
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