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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. come on, tibs. stop being so disingenuous. you know what Collins is saying here. that being, that what the Democrats have done here, a total partisan impeachment opens the way and sets a dangerous precedent on it happening to any future president, including a Democrat one.
  2. listened to this whole interview earlier... excellent interview, just excellent.
  3. this, in a nutshell, is why you are a complete feckhead. instead of owning it and admitting you were wrong, you attempt whataboutism and try and move the goal posts. be a man and own it. what is it you are fond of saying.... do better, be better. own it.
  4. again, it's all about giving Trump a win in his Foreign Policy. they are well aware that if he gets a win here, any and all chances of taking back the Whitehouse are completely gone. not to mention that it would probably give the Repubs the House. Trump with all three branches of Gov... they would commit seppuku.
  5. do you think tibs will cement the top of his chimney?
  6. so much winning. sad to say though... i'm not sick of it.
  7. taken from @DC Tom twitter feed: ? https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1217246276603056129
  8. simply the best :48 you will find on the 'net today. ? https://twitter.com/Cassiel_Angelos/status/1217470598479302657
  9. again, reading comprehension is your friend. let me break it down for you, my stated reasoning was thus: whatever happened before the aid was released, is immaterial. there was a deadline and it was released prior. period, end, finito.
  10. Turley is exceptionally good today. https://twitter.com/JonathanTurley/status/1217470360662282240
  11. lol. so.. you are saying that Parnas had direct conversations with Trump? @DC Tom isn't around, so i'll do the honors here.... you're an idiot. okay... you're an idiot too. reading comprehension helps greatly. "both are patently false." IDIOT! your brian is truly broken.
  12. both are patently false. there was a deadline for the aid to be released. it was released before said deadline and anything said and/or done in the interim is a non-starter. the President is the last arbiter of our justice system. if he thought there was potential criminal actions with regard to past actions on behalf of certain people, it is well within his purview to investigate it. period.
  13. https://twitter.com/JonathanTurley/status/1217470360662282240
  14. ? https://twitter.com/Stckysheets/status/1217116492996591616
  15. well, we do know that the North Pole is moving to Siberia.
  16. sure... hearsay testimony is all you idiots have. you wanna play a game of telephone?
  17. ? https://twitter.com/KevinDaleyDC/status/1217479577108459527
  18. this is not going to end well. how long before some deranged individual understands that there is nothing to stop him from shooting up the capital. https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1217307455215915009
  19. https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1217384054015905792
  20. https://twitter.com/JakeSherman/status/1217463769003065351
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