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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. i would venture that there is also another agenda here, taking back the Senate. you know the Dems... it don't matter what happens in the Senate and whether they get their way or not, anything short of removal and they are going to be screaming to the rooftops that it was a corrupt process. as such, the American people have to vote the Repubs out so the Dems can regain control and put the country on the right track. if that happens, i expect more impeacments articles but they still will not have the votes to remove Donald. though they will pull every trick out of their playbooks, it will backfire upon them. i pray for the country if the Dems take back the Senate. *************************************************** clean up the illegal voter rolls and there is no way in hell they beat Trump.
  2. ya know... there is a part of me that wants them to convict while also removing the small print item here. this way he can run again and since he hasn't completed a full term, he could be reelected two more times. talk about the Donner's heads exploding. it would be a glorious site to behold. ************************************************************** not only that, but the President sets foreign policy, not unelected bureaucrats.
  3. i expect that when it comes time to actually vote on the articles (i don't think they get dismissed (could be wrong though)), it will be a bi partisan acquittal.
  4. yep. it's gonna be a long night. *************************************************************************** Schumer trial proposal: yea: 53 nay: 47 suck it Dems!
  5. table motion of Schumer's trial proposal just submitted. voting now.
  6. https://twitter.com/tracybeanz/status/1219706659775315970
  7. #impeach Trump! https://twitter.com/seamusbruner/status/1219687335203352577
  8. i'm guessing he (house managers) still has something like 15 minutes reserved.
  9. i'll take a stab... Democrats? maybe, Liberals? what about Progressives?
  10. does someone really have to tell this jackass that it is probably an intern? these are your journalists, America. ******************************************************* Sekulow up now.
  11. https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1219698476495273984 https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1219698826153484289
  12. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1219697656148172806 https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1219697888508420097
  13. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1219675522336264197
  14. hey Chuck: kiss it! all you other Dems deserve it after the horseshit you put on in the House.... https://twitter.com/ByronYork/status/1219675037332054019
  15. come on... this isn't that hard. in case you are unaware, this is following precedent and protecting future actions against the presidency. much like has happened in the past. separation of powers.
  16. of course, the key portion is, 'from Schiff's list...'. they were denied every single witness they wanted to call.
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