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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. to be honest, i think you're being a little disingenious here. your basing your assumption on the presumption that Trump was completely aware of the extent of their injuries. lets not forget that he just spent how many days in Davos? not to mention there is an impeachment trail going on and all the rest of the security news he must be briefed on, daily.
  2. not sure i had the opportunity to experience a palmetto bug, either of the times. but i can tell you that the cockroaches in Texas are armour plated. it don't matter how many times you stomp 'em they just keep scurrying. oh and don't get up to pee in the middle of the night, you might not make it back. they love the cool porcelain of the tub.
  3. ? they have lost their ever loving minds. https://twitter.com/andyroth/status/1220461883234430976 it's probably a good thing they really don't have wild iguanas there.... too soon??
  4. https://twitter.com/ChadPergram/status/1220502624597876737
  5. hats off to Piers. he says it quite well. https://twitter.com/WeAreAPW/status/1219915772434227200
  6. you know, just when i want to give you a 'thumbs up', you go and spoil it with the likes of your last sentence. you just can't help yourself.
  7. https://twitter.com/caroljsroth/status/1220215170041024512
  8. https://twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1220411030205083654
  9. https://twitter.com/drawandstrike/status/1220372058468704266
  10. ut oh.... don't look now but... https://twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1220429553518202881 burn it all down. https://twitter.com/JarradKushner/status/1220425967568588802
  11. it is really unbelievable that they are using 'polls' as a pretext for Trumps investigation of the Bidens, as proof that it was nefarious. i hope the WHC rebuts it by running the 2016 polls and their 90+% prediction that Hillary was going to win.
  12. why wouldn't Schiffty let Nads talk? what is he hiding? cover up!! impeach!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqu94NM967Q&feature=emb_logo
  13. ol' Jerry Lewis Nads is done. thank goodness. lol. your impeaching him because, "he was looking for an announcement..., nothing more"? my gosh you guys are deranged.
  14. Powell to release something big tomorrow? https://twitter.com/drcrinum1/status/1220156739166900226
  15. that's the thing, it wasn't. if he didn't seek to question apparent improprieties, he would not be doing his job and would then be doing a disservice to his country.
  16. https://twitter.com/JanJekielek/status/1220176827903119363
  17. the plot thickens. a couple months old, however.... https://twitter.com/ClimateAudit/status/1193970160438251520
  18. that was bad. i know he was going for levity but all it did was leave me shaking my head. they are their own worst enemies, they are seriously tone deaf.
  19. day 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcRCpUFBPac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os_UjunQZTc
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