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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. oh the outrage! where was this same outrage when Clinesmith was charged and, wait for it... actually plead guilty? if Bannon is guilty, he deserves to be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. the time for two standards of justice should never have existed in the first place.
  2. this is likely what is happening with at least a portion of the plea agreement.
  3. pretty sure it was for posting the longest joke in the world. i know... right??
  4. i'll bet @Hedge would rock the #1 spot. don't know how long he was suspended for though....
  5. https://twitter.com/Americanlll/status/1295417128594444288
  6. i am actually quite surprised that none of the TDS crowd here has created a '20 DNC convention thread. speaks loudly if you ask me.
  7. i don't trust Graham farther than i could throw 'im. screw McConnell as well if he is dirty too. https://twitter.com/adamhousley/status/1295205750675890176 https://twitter.com/adamhousley/status/1295206945993846785
  8. ummm... you do know that HCQ was approved like... 50 years ago, and has been used quite regularly to treat other diseases... right? ummm... you do know that there has never, ever been a vaccine that was approved for any corona virus... right?
  9. to @Deranged Rhino https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1295060002135248898 https://twitter.com/borzou/status/1295086774943911940 https://twitter.com/franakviacorka/status/1293939332697530368
  10. i know someone who lives in Louisville, i'm told this was an active shooter event. several cars were hit. reportedly it happened around 2:30 pm. LMPD: Man in critical condition following shooting on Watterson Expressway
  11. this probably means they get a 3rd round compensatory draft pick next year.
  12. https://twitter.com/JuliansRum/status/1294304170690969600
  13. today is a good day. i know the calendar says it's the 14th but in actuality... the 12th just arrived. @4merper4mer
  14. tell me you do understand that the IG Report was only conducted on information approved of, by and for the FBI.
  15. if there is even an ounce of integrity here, there would be a suspension in order for the outright slide that is on display these last couple pages. certain individuals can pick up suspensions for sliding a thread by posting the longest joke in the world and even only quoting said longest post in the world, yet this USPS nonsense in this thread, when there is a dedicated thread on the subject is outright trolling and apparently okay because it is TDS. @DC Tom was right. TDS has turned this place into a horseshit hole.
  16. when Scarnecchia retired after the '13 season, that line began to get pretty bad. after the Broncos mauled them in the '15 AFC Championship game, Belly boy had seen enough and got him to return. expect to see them similarly slip in their play again. being 70, i doubt Scarnecchia returns for a third run.
  17. good for Jerruh. never really cared for the man but i'm glad at least one of the owners has the balls to do what's right.
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