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Everything posted by KHAN

  1. We should bring him in for a workout... ...just so we could pass.
  2. Solid cast... ...in 1972.
  3. They didn't even ask McD about Ike.
  4. OK. So you obviously are confused about the down and time on the clock. The Singletary run was on second down. Miami called their last time out. We called a kneel down on 3rd down and ran the clock down to 2 seconds. Kicked the field goal to win. Kicking on 2nd down or 4th down wouldn't have made any difference.
  5. Good grief. It wasn't a blizzard. The winds weren't bad, and there was barely any snow on the field. There was none where he kicked because the players cleaned it off. Blizzard, LOL
  6. I understand your point. I'll just move along now. Merry Christmas.
  7. The point is that when the option they chose (that worked perfectly) has such a high probability of success, arguing vehemently for the other choice doesn't make sense.
  8. Bass is 98.2% on extra points. This field goal was 10 yards shorter than that. So yes, I agree that there was a less than 2% chance that that would fail. You win.
  9. LOL Giving a team no time is always > giving a team time.
  10. Here's the thing. At first he was critical of the Bills for not taking the points. Called it "arrogant". Then he criticized Motor for not at least getting the first down. He was corrected by the play by play guy that with only one time out left for Miami that point was totally wrong. He then (and this is the best part) said that it would been better for Miami to pull Motor in to the end zone so they would at least have some time left to try to score. This totally contradicts his first criticism of the Bills. That's a lot of fail in a very short period of time. Survey Says: Mr. Butt Fumble sucks at QB and announcing.
  11. I think they can activate him today, or he's done for the season. That's what I remember anyways.
  12. Throwing the helmet wasn't the best look. But Diggs always plays with an edge. I think now that this has become a thing, they're looking for it on the sidelines. He was alway the first to celebrate with his team mates who made plays.
  13. Knox and Davis making a resurgence could be huge. 4 TD passes. 2 to tight ends, 2 to running backs. Motor getting, important, tough, game winning drive yards. Josh impersonating Super Man in crunch time again. After being dominated in the third quarter after Morse went out. The O-Line found a way to give Josh some time, and open some holes for Motor in crunch time. These are a few of my favorite things.
  14. The future of Morse is going to be huge for the rest of this year. I saw it posted here that this was his 6th concussion. Mixed feelings of I don't want him to ruin the rest of his life, and how much we need him.
  15. Emboldened, italicized, underlined, colorized and enlarged for emphasis.
  16. Not going through 4 pages of D-Baggery. OP starts a positive thread, and it's a flaming pile of feces in about 7 posts. Don't you guys have anything better to do than **** on each other all day?
  17. The Buffalo weather will effect Tua just like the pool effected George Costanza. SHRINKAGE!!!!!!!
  18. NERDS! ! ! ! ! ! !
  19. I think that the climate change we are experiencing will make the "outlier" hot games more and more dangerous as time goes on. The NFL may have do something eventually to flex games in extreme heat to the evening. But they won't do anything that takes away a single dollar from the coffers. I imagine someone will have to die before they change anything. Like the hockey and baseball protective netting.
  20. The Bills play the Bengals on Monday Night. They better not put the Pats game on Saturday after that. If they need to win to guarantee the 1 seed, being on 2 days short rest would be really unfair. Player safety my @$$!
  21. Nobody reads anymore. The quote you responded to was me telling the previous guy that the answer he responded "So What" to was actually there earlier in my post. Cherry picked out of context. Now you take me out of context again where I already said that this year you have to do what ever it takes to win. But you only quote the part about giving Josh help next year. We can do better than this folks. Let's at least try to comprehend what people are saying before responding.
  22. The "so what?" was in the post: "Going in to year 6 it's not optimal that he has to carry the team on his back all the time."
  23. Our running numbers are heavily influenced by Josh. We're going to have to let him play superman again this year if we're going to make a run. Our running game isn't as bad as the doomsdayers, but not as good as the ones who say it's fine. IMO we need to start using prime draft capitol and key free agent signings on the O-Line and WR. Josh is the franchise. Going in to year 6 it's not optimal that he has to carry the team on his back all the time. For the rest of this year they're just going to let it rip and find away git 'er done.
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