comparing laporta to kincaid isnt exactly fair.
dan campbell was a tight end and ben johnson is a top offensive coordinator. laporta was getting featured no matter what.
kincaid had freakin ken dorsey as his oc in the start of his career.
The Washington dline was super talented too with Payne and company. Idk what the problem is, but I’m happy it’s not the Bills.
Would be nice to see him go off finally, if for nothing else, to see more highlights on Sunday night after the games.
the big fast receivers that can jump high and catch make top dollar in FA. no way we can afford . getting a tall guy doesnt mean ***** if he doesnt have the other three qualities.
were going to need to find a stud in the draft.
Morse had to go for cap reasons so I have np with that. Wish the bills kept around bates as we would have filled in that center role nicely.
that’s the only move I didn’t like, was getting rid of Bates.