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Everything posted by GETTOTHE50

  1. Haha it's all good man. That other dude is crazy, and in a very dull way. I'm surprised you went on with the convo as long as you did. Impressive really
  2. Add him and cut wood Wood looks like he has about 2-3 years left. Especially with those injuries.
  3. The real issue is that this is still Rex's team without Gilmore and Woods. Some players said it was their fault for not performing up to a consistent, good level last year. And now we are expecting McDermott to some how work miracles with this same roster intact. Is this McDermott's plan to go through this? Is this Whaley's idea? Both? That's the bigger question if you ask me. Hopefully one of them is not delusional.
  4. Why are you guys so worried about the 2nd spot? Tyrod hardly targets the second wideout, and asides from that, the bills are a run first team.
  5. I see your point, and it is a team game. However at the end of the day, the QB has the ball in his hands the most. He is the most important player on the team for that reason alone. Many drives died by his hand. He is a drive killer.
  6. I feel like a couple of us have been saying this already. You tank this year, and get Darnold, and give this coaching staff an actual four years to develop a team around that guy. When Brady finally calls it quits, Darnold will finally be mature enough to step up and take the division crown for the next decade. Unfortunately, the Bills have had no chance against the Patriots for the past decade. I mean no one has. The Bills and really the rest of the AFC have been in an impossible situation. The Bills org, has tried every way to try to dethrone them. Literally, every way, asides from actually tanking to get the #1 pick to get that franchise QB. The time for that to happen is now. Otherwise you are just wasting your damn time like the past 17 years. At this point, the only thing you can hope for is a career ending injury to Brady, or for time to speed the hell up. Because until then, Brady owns the AFC, really 29 of the 32 teams.
  7. I know OP. Times have been tough for a while, and will continue to be. The only way the Bills make the playoffs, is if Tyrod actually throws for over 4000 yards and has 25 TDs. I do not see it happening. At all.
  8. And here we are trying to sneak into the last wild card spot with Tyrod just so we can get eliminated early. The Bills have been spinning their wheels in the mud for the past two decades.
  9. anyone who is a RB, should at the very least be a short yardage back. Hell, Tyrod is a short yardage back when he scrambles on 3&2.
  10. The thing is, is that this still feels like Rex's roster, with a hint of Marrone. There are some good things about the roster, like the Oline, Shady, and Sammy. Maybe the D-line. But asides from that it's all pretty much meh. It would have been nice for the coaching staff to start fresh, and to get rid of some players, including Tyrod. Im a big fan of Eric Wood, Kyle Williams, Jerry, and everyone really. But it's time for a coaching staff to truly make its stamp on the organization. Gotta move on from these players. I also want to see some of these players actually have success on another team instead of staying in this 7-9, 9-7 purgatory. Unfortunately, the core the bills have had, hasn't been able to get it done. It's time to start fresh. Completely. And it started by getting rid of Rex's boy, Tyrod. I want the Bills to give McDermott at least three to four years. The thing is, he immediately puts pressure on himself for keeping this roster of vets intact since the majority of us believe that Rex was the main reason this team didn't get to the playoffs. Personally, I think the majority of the onus falls on the players, and I don't see this roster getting it done, especially with this schedule coming up.
  11. lol i dont get these moves at all. trying to run in a passing league? what a broken record.
  12. he will declare if he doesnt get injured or if he has has a piss poor season. you have to declare when your stock is the highest. if darnold has a good year, he declares to be the #1. he'd be an idiot to risk having a bad year the next, or worse, getting a injury. i agree with the op. the bills dont care about a championship, they just want the wildcard. who gives a !@#$ about the ending the drought at this point
  13. come on man, you dont build an organization around a freaking running back, no matter how good he is.
  14. The Bills are probably going to be losing woods, and gilmore. Yet the bills are in win now mode because tyrod is coming back? How dumb can this organization be? They are just moving pieces around some random QB hoping that it pans out at some point. They have no real direction. Just get a real QB for once, and then build the team. Time to clean house completely.
  15. !@#$, youre right. i loved the hire, but keeping tyrod is a mistake. now we are going to waste another season and go 7-9, if we're lucky. the bills have been delusional for way too long. it's incredible really JUST !@#$ING TANK ALREADY AND GET THE DAM QB
  16. gillislee is the man. but anyone can run behind that oline and have some success.
  17. how much you wanna bet his source is this thread? http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/192401-tyrod-reportedly-looking-at-real-estate-in-buffalo/
  18. If Obi can be the next Sean Taylor, then take him pronto. Unless Trubisky is there. I might think about drafting Watson too. 1. Trubisky 2. Obi 2b. Watson
  19. you cant go wrong in roster cuts IMO. no one is untouchable, asides from sammy
  20. I do remember him getting ran over in that position a couple of times, unable to make a tackle. Easy guy to cheer for, thanks for the time as a bill
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