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Everything posted by GETTOTHE50

  1. 'meaningless' games do suck, but this was really the Josh Allen season anyway. Not very likely we were going to see this squad in the playoffs. There is reason to watch though, and it is Josh Allen. I want him to sweep the rest of the divisional games.
  2. idk if the foster play is considered 'easy' but yes on zay
  3. exactly, at some point the receiver needs to turn around and see what the QB is doing. if hes scrambling for his life, than the receivers needs to run back. i have no clue what clay was doing in the back of the end zone
  4. its amazing how bipolar the refs are. on the final drive of the fish, they cant help but throw the flag. on the bills final drive, they keep it tucked into their *****.
  5. yea idk what 26 is expecting. a perfect strike from a rookie who has put the whole team on his back all game after running around like a mad man? it was a good ball to catch, clay was uncontested.
  6. oooooo that was a good one. calling jerry hughes a B word is text-book topping off the job
  7. omg ikr. hes going to have to go into xrays, maybe get second opinions from dr andrews or some well-known podiatrist
  8. he made a great play, he deserves to celebrate. i didnt see anything out of line. the guy who RKOed Allen though was going nuts after an illegal hit
  9. Second favorite ref play --- throwing the flag on phillips for 'unsportsman like' conduct. they should start a fantasy league for refs, these dudes are a team on their own.
  10. My favorite non-flag was when Allen was RKOed. What was yours?
  11. I mean, what is Benjamin playing for if not even for a new contract?
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